Chapter 29

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Ann-Ray's P.O.V

"Can we get Chocolate covered strawberries?" James chuckles and nods his head.

We've been setting up outside, in the backyard for the barbecue for the last half hour.

"Sure baby, I'll run out to get it" I smile and shake my head.

"I'll go, there's something else I need to get" He nods his head and kisses my cheek.

Walking to the front door, I decided to walk and bring the pups with me. I'm nervous, I was meant to have my period last week but I never got it. I'm hoping I really am pregnant and that it's not a false alarm. I didn't want to get James' hopes up though, so I thats why I said I needed something from the shops, because I do need something. 

"How can I help you?" The man behind the counter asks.

I place in front of hiim the chocolate covered strawberries and the pregnancy tests. I want to get three, just so I can be sure. Looking at the tests he smirks at me. I look away and blush softly. 

"Whore" I could barely hear him say it but I heard it nonetheless, apparently so did the person behind me. 

"Don't you dare speak to her that way" I look behind me to see Mr Russle. 

"Domenick?" He smiles at me warmly. 

Gesturing with his arms for me to hug him, I oblige and welcome his warm embrace. 

"Skip your period did you?" He asks softly. 

I blush and nod my head, paying for my groceries. I wait a little while until he is done paying for his cigarettes and lubricant. 

"You think you're pregnant?" He slings his arm around my shoulders as we walk. 

Once out the door my pups bark and wag their tails. Taking the leads I start walking with Mr Russle. 

"Yeah, I hope I am and that it's not a false alarm" He looked surprised by my admittion. 

"Is it that serious between you two?" I nod my head. 

"We've been trying...because well, with all the trauma my body has had to go through, it might take years of trying before we end up having a child and I want children and I know James is ready and has been for some time" Mr Russle grins at me and hugs me. 

"I'm glad he's treating you so well" I blush and laugh softly. 

"Are you coming to the barbeque?" He grins and winks at me. 

"Mike and I wouldn't miss it for the world Ann-Ray" I smile and say my goodbye, walking back home. 

I couldn't shake this feeling, as though someone is following me. Turning around, I couldn't see anyone, I go to look ahead but I'm stopped by a man in a black jacket and blue jeans. He's tall and has stuble. My pups are barking their heads off at them. 

"Now, why is a pretty lady like you not being escorted?" His voice was deep and husky. 

His peircing blue eyes making me nervous. 

"Peter knock it off" James calls from behind him in his car.

I look at them wide eyed and confused. Why is he here and who is this guy?

"James, I thought you were setting up at home" I mumble. 

"I was, but I needed something else from the shop and you weren't answering your phone so I decided I would go and maybe give you a lift home" I melt at his gorgeous smile and kind heart. 

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