Chapter 8

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HEY GUYS! HOPE YOU ENJOY! This is dedicated to an awesome fan who made me my cover! 


James Roberto's P.O.V

“What do you plan on doing about your feelings?” Tom asks me.

“I don't know. She doesn't love me. Even if she does she wouldn't give me a chance. She's been hurt to many times. Not to mention I'm five years older then her” I say.

He nods his head in agreement.

“I think you might want to leave after this year. She'll miss you no doubt. You'll miss her too. But it's for the best. You'll be hurting both of you more by staying” He says.

It hurt to hear those words. I knew they were true. I sigh and nod my head.

“I wish things were different. I wish I could make her happy and be with her” I say in melancholy.

“Lives aren't built on empty wishes” Tom says.

I nod my head. He's right. Unfortunately for me. I know I will only ever love her.

“I only want what's best for her” I mumble before hopping out of the car and up to our apartment level.

Once in I went straight to my room and locked the door. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I couldn't bare it. She's my love and I can't have her. Just my luck I guess. I lay down on my bed and take the photo of Quinn and I. Wishing to at least have her in my life still. If only I took her with me.

“You bastard. You took her from me. Now you're torturing me by making me fall for my student” I curse to God.

I get up as I wipe my tears and walk to my bathroom. I took the blade to my other wrist and cut down my vain. Hoping I would cut my vain. I was happy when I saw I did. Soon I hear someone unlock and enter my bedroom. I look up to see Alexis. She gasps before walking to me.

“Why would you do this?” She asks as she grabs a hand towel. Trying to stop the bleeding.

“She wont ever love me. I wont ever have her. I can't. We were never meant to be” I say in a monotone. Alexis sighs.

“My sister is dating her now former teacher who is six years older then her. My mother was the same. It can work out if you let it” She says.

I shake my head and sob while falling to the ground.

“Even if she loves me, she wont ever give me a chance. She wont let me in her life. She's got to many walls up” I say.

“You can knock them down one by one. Relationships aren't built overnight James. They're built over time” She says.

I pull my arm from her grip and lay my head on the cold bathroom tiled floor.

“Just let me die. Life is not worth living when I have no one and nothing to live for” I say in melancholy.

“How do you think Ann-Ray will feel?” She asks.

I glare up at the ceiling as she waits for an answer.

“She's better off without me. All I am is a broken down teacher” I say.

I hear her sigh as she takes my wrist once more.

“You're a suicidal teacher is what you are” She mumbles.

“One of a kind” I say.

“Hey babe wha- Oh My God! James you twat! What have you done!?” Simon yells.

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