Chapter 30 ~ The End

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Okay guys, this is it I guess, there will be an extra conclusion of four years in the future after this upload but apart from that, this is the end of Ann-Ray Peterson and James Roberto. Isn't it a shocker? I know I hadn't really warned people in the last few chapters like I usually do but this book is finally coming to an end and I wanted to say thank you to all my supporters especially @Jlap11 and @Ally1996 you guys have been so supportive throughout this whole book and I love you both so much for it ^_^ I also would like to thank the friend of mine who gave me the name Ann-Ray and for my sister for her input in how this chapter should go. It had been an awesome journey writing this book.

P.S, I'm sorry if this is a little short ^_^

It's been two months, since I found out I was going to be a mummy. It's an amazing feeling, James wont stop watching over me. I have finished my exams and I'm fairly confident. James, being the sweetheart he is has enrolled into the same university that I had enrolled into.

We've slowly started to plan our wedding, I don't want anything too big though, I don't like being the center of attention. We've kept the pregnancy on a down low as well and I have a job now too, I work at a kid friendly restaurant, I've been pretty flat on my feet which I'm not use to.

Looking at James I smile softly, we're at the beach. He's in the water with little Matthew and Axel. It's cute watching that little boy with James. Seeing the smile on James' face and how easy and natural he looks with children.

"Angel, have you had something to eat?" I look up at James, the water dripping down his chest.

"I'm still full from breakfast" Nodding he gives me his charming smile.

"Did you want to go into the water?" I smile and nod my head.

"Carry me?" He chuckles and bends down, picking me up. His cool body against my sun-heat obsorbed skin.

After a day of fun, James and I snuggle on the bed watching sponge bob square pants. He kisses my cheek softly, distracting me from my sponge bob time.

"This is my sponge bob time" I whine.

Chuckling, he snuggles back into me, his hands caressing my skin under the covers. Groaning I hop up out of bed and head to the door of our room. I have been getting some cramps, we went to the doctor about it but he said it was pretty normal so I've been sleeping with heat packs.

"You got pains again angel?" I look back and smile at the shirtless man laying on my bed.

"I'll be okay, I just need to get the heat pack" He nods his beautiful brown head and looks back to the Television. As I walk to the top of the steps, my head starts spinning and my heart beat goes chaotic. I can feel myself passing out. My body sways and by the time I try to steady myself it's too late, I'm falling down the stairs.

James' P.O.V

I heard a couple of loud thuds. My mind going on full alert I jump out of bed and run to the stairs. My heart in my throat as I see Ann-Ray on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, she's bleeding and is unconscious, bolting down the stairs to her side, I bring her into my arms and raced outside to my car door.

"You'll be okay" I kiss her unconscious head softly and rush my way to the hospital.

"What seems to be the poblem?" The receptionist asks as I walk up to the desk with Ann-Ray in my arms.

"She fell down the stairs and passed out. She's pregnant" My heart breaking with every minute that Ann-Ray doesn't wake up.

She calls out a doctor who leads me to a room then kicks me out so he can do some tests. Sitting down I run my hand through my hair and try to calm my beating heart. What if she's really injured herself? What if she's lost the baby? I would be heart broken but I know she'll feel guilty and will beat herself and cry. I wouldn't blame her for wanting to cry over the loss of our baby. I would do the same if she didn't need me.

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