Chapter 28

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James' P.O.V

I smile as I watch her sleep. It's a beautiful day and I think we should have our house warming Barbecue today but I can't bring myself to wake her up.

Her gorgeous form so relaxed. Her scars are quite visible but I make sure not to stare. They don't bother me...most of them. The scar from her being shot is the only scar that really breaks my heart every time I see it.

I run my fingers over her skin softly. She's got the softest skin. So beautiful and sweet. She stirs slightly under my touch. I smile and kiss her neck softly as she wakes up.

"Good morning beautiful" She smiles up at me and stretches.

"You tired baby?" She blushes and smiles at me while I chuckle.

Of course she's tired. We made love late into the night last night. I want more than anything, to have a child with her. I know it's what she wants and I know I am more than capable of producing. I just worry about her, her body might not be able to handle a child.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks as she rests onto my chest.

"You" I say smiling.

"Want to have the house warming barbecue today? it's a beautiful day" I voice my thoughts.

"Sounds good to me" She kisses my cheek before hopping out of bed and to the shower.

Not long after, I follow her into the bathroom, wrapping my arms around her as we shower together.

"When does HSC start for you?" I ask.

"Next week I start the HSC Exams"

"When do you want to get married?" Her breath hitches slightly.

"Next year in the middle of the year?" She sounds so nervous.

"Of course Angel" I say smiling and kissing her cheek.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Ann-Ray calls from the fridge.

"Let's have breakfast out baby" I whisper as I sneak my arms around her waist.

"Where would we go?" A small smile on her beautiful features.

"Where ever you want to go Angel" She giggles and kisses my cheek.

"I really don't know many places. Why don't we invite dad and Rosa?" I melt at her words, she's always thinking of other people.

"Have I told you how much I love you lately?" She blushes.

"Every hour of every day you tell me James" I smile with pride.

"I'm glad I do it so often because I really do love you with every fibre in my being" She blushes and hugs me, her head resting on my chest as I wrap my arms securely around her.

"Come on beautiful, lets get ready for some breakfast out and get texting people for the Barbecue today" She nods her head and goes to our room to get dressed.

I call mum to invite her and then Jack. I am still getting use to having Jack around, I mean he's not as bad as I make out to be. I know he loves his daughter with everything in him but what he did to her as she grew up...she deprived her of a normal childhood filled with happiness. I understand the master mind was her just breaks my heart to know how severe her childhood was.

One thing I will be thankful to my father for is that he never laid a hand on Quinn and left that for me. I know he fell asleep with a cigarrette but even I know that was an accident, what wasn't an accident was her being locked in her room. If he wasn't so controlling I would still have her in my life but instead, she's dead and I have to live with that for the rest of my life.

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