Chapter 26

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"Are you excited?" James asks in a small murmur.

"For what?" I ask curiously.

Chuckling he rolls his eyes at me. My eyebrows scrunch into a slight frown, why does

he persist in being confusing?

"It's graduation on Wednesday" I look up at him shocked.

"That's in two days!" I yell frantically.

Laughing he wraps his arms tighter around me. I'm sitting on his lap in his classroom during lunch. Mr Russle and Michael decided they would join us as well as Tommy and Kelly.

"You seriously forgot?" I stick my tongue out at Tommy's teasing voice.

"Ive been a little pre-occupied" The vibration of James' laugh making me blush.

"What's got your mind so pre-occupied?" Mr Russle asks.

"Nothing really...just the fact that I still can't believe James proposed" My blush deepening in colour.

Soft lips come into contact with my cheek. Looking up at James I see him smile lovingly, kissing my lips softly.

"You guys are too cute together it's almost painful" Michael whines.

I laugh and shake my head at him. He's talking about James and I being cute when he's sitting on Mr Russles lap and snuggling his head in the crook of Mr Russle's neck.

"Hey, Mr Russ-"

"Was she this bad with calling you by your first name?" Mr Russle asks James.

I blush and hide my face under my hands.

"Sweetheart, you need to start calling me Dominick" Mr Russle's voice laced with amusement.

"Anyway, Dominick; What are we doing today? It's our last Gym lesson ever" My voice hinting my sadness of having no more classes with Mr Russle.

"We'll just do whatever, you can choose an activity. Why are you so sad?" A small frown playing on his lips.

"Because I'll miss you" He smiles softly.

"I'll give you my number, all you have to do is call me when you want to talk"

He walks to me and takes my phone from my hands, saving his number and sending a blank text to his phone so he has my number.

"If I didn't know you were gay Dom, I would be really jealous right now" James mutters.

"What do you mean would be? You're obviously jealous" Tommy interjects. I try to stifle my giggle.

"Am not" I couldn't help but smile at the grumpy tone in his voice as he leans his head on my back.

"It's okay sweetie, I think it's adorable" My whisper making him smile and blush.

"I love you Angel" Smiling he kisses my lips softly.

The rest of the day went on uneventful, last two periods were relaxed and bludged. Everyone has a sense of calmness, they're all ready to leave and move on with their lives as adults. I'm not, I don't want to have to go to university and meet new people and start all over again. I still can't talk to strangers, I still have trust issues and I'm still afraid of men that I don't know.

"What's on your mind Angel?" James asks, rubbing his hand up and down my back softly.

"I don't want to go to university" He gives me a confused look.

"Why not?" My frown deepens slightly, looking into his eyes with my fearful ones.

"I'm afraid" My voice a mere whisper.

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