Chapter 5

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James Roberto's P.O.V

“So you're really Ann-Ray's older brother?” I ask Tom.

“In the flesh” He says.

“How's she been? I've been back for about a week and she hasn't told me what's been going on. She barely talks to me now. She always writes her answers” He says to me.

I knew that would be bugging him. Knowing she isn't talking to him anymore.

“I don't know. She wont let me in. I mean I know her counsellor has been sexually abusing her since she was in year seven. I put a stop to that. She plays the harp and piano. She's brilliant at drawing and she likes to give short answers. She hates physical contact and people yelling. Though she hasn't told me, I know she's afraid of her father. More so then an average teenage girl with a strict father would be” I inform him.

He seemed taken back by how much I know. He also seemed pissed that she'd been sexually abused. I don't blame him.

“Has she spoken to you or touched you?” Tom asks.

“She's tapped my shoulder. She's let me touch her. She hasn't spoken to me but she's laughed a little and she's smiled a few times” I say.

He seemed sincerely shocked by this.

“Will she let you get to know her?” He asks.

“No, I've tried but she says she can't have me in her life. Not even as a teacher” I say.

“She's let Mr Russle in as a teacher” Simon says frowning.

I didn't that. How come she's let him in but not me? She refuses to. As anything. But why?

“Why doesn't she want me in her life?” I ask upset.

Doesn't she like me? Am I that bad of a person that she doesn't want to be around me? Do I scare her?

“She's falling for you” Tom says.

I look at him wide eyed and shake my head. She can't be falling for me. She's known me a week. During this week she's been more distant then when we first met. She can't possibly like me.

“I think you're reading into this too much” I say.

He shakes his head with a small smile.

“I know my sister well enough to know the signs she shows. She's afraid anyone she cares about will get hurt if she lets them in. She had no choice with me and Simon” Tom says.

Simon nods his head in agreement with Tom.

“How do you think she'll react when she sees you in her classes on monday?” I ask Tom.

Trying to change the subject. Since he was in the mental institution he had to miss out on a lot of school so he's repeating year twelve. I also got him a job at my restaurant and I'm paying for his schooling. Took a lot of persuading for him to get on board. He eventually did.

“I don't know. I just hope she doesn't mind Kelly and I sitting with her” He says chuckling.

I roll my eyes but smile. I'm happy as long as Ann-ray is our topic for conversation.

There's something about her. I can't put my finger on it. She makes me feel... weird inside. I get happy when I hear her name or see her. When I touch her, her skin sends tingles through my body and I get stomach flips. I don't understand! I don't know what this is. She's amazing in every way. I want her in my a friend of course. I know my boundaries.

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