Chapter 9

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I crash out as soon as I get home from school. It's been two weeks since Mr Roberto moved back out. I was getting quite lonely in this house. Don't get me wrong, I love Rosa, but I miss Mr Roberto.

“Dear, your father's here” Rosa calls out.

I walk down the stairs with a smile. Father sees me in the pyjama's he bought me and smiles happily. I don't think I have ever seen such a smile on his face that's for me.

“I guessed your size well” He says.

I chuckle a little and roll my eyes.

“Yeah, you did” I say quietly.

I hadn't really spoken to father since he shot me. He would visit but I would always write down my side of our conversations. I watch as his eyes soften as he gives me a gentle smile.

“You know, you have a beautiful voice Ann-Ray” He compliments. I blush.

“I was wondering if you'd want me to take you out for dinner, but your already in pyjama's so I'll just leave” father says.

He turns from me but I stop him by holding his arm. He froze in his spot.

“Why don't you stay for dinner. I'm sure Rosa wont mind” I offer.

Though really, I was pleading him to stay. I know what he did to me was wrong, but I also know I want to have a father daughter relationship with my father. I want to be able to tell him everything, to have him there for me when I need him. To be able to count on him and tell him I love him like I should be able to.

“Of course I'll stay” He says.

He turns around to face me with a warm smile. Placing his hand on top of mine which was still holding his arm. He taps my hand a little. I release his arm and smile.

“What would you like for dinner Ann-Ray?” Rosa asks.

“Whatever you make I will eat ma'am” I say.

She smiles and shakes her head in amusement.

“You don't need to call me ma'am. You can call me Rosa” She says.

I nod and blush while father chuckles.

“Should we invite James then?” Father asks.

He gives me a sly wink, as though to tell me he knows I have grown a liking to Mr Roberto. Even if I don't know what it means. I roll my eyes but blush non the less.

“Great idea! I'm sure Ann-Ray will love to see her future husband” Rosa says smirking.

I squeal and blush while covering my face with my hands. I could hear the pair of them laughing.

“And she doesn't deny this” Father says.

“You guys are so mean” I groan while walking away from their laughter.

Soon I was called down to dinner. Still in my pyjama's. I knew Mr Roberto would be there but I also knew that if I changed I would be teased about trying to look nice for my 'future husband' as they so boldly put it. I walk down and see Mr Roberto talking to his mother and my father.

“Ann-Ray, nice of you to join us” Rosa says smirking.

I roll my eyes at her and give a flat stare. All I get in return is a chuckle.

“What's for dinner?” I ask no one in particular.

“Beef Stroganoff” Mr Roberto says smiling at me.

I blush and nod my head before walking to the kitchen. They all had their meals in front of them. I had to retrieve mine from the kitchen bench. Once I walked back into the living room. I found Mr Roberto blushing while Rosa smirks at him. She's probably teasing him like she was teasing me earlier this afternoon.

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