Chapter 10

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hey guys. Hopefully this chapter is satisfactory. 


It's been three weeks. Tommy is awake and living with Mr Roberto. Simon and Alexis had moved out so it's just the two of them. I haven't spoken to Mr Roberto since the hospital. I'll write to him, I'll answer his texts but I wont speak. I need to distance myself from him. It's not working. I can see it's hurting him but he still acts so kind and friendly toward me. He refuses to stop calling me Angel.

I was now on my way to school. I usually get a ride from Kelly but I wanted the space today. I don't know how long I can keep doing this for. Seeing the pain in Mr Roberto's eyes. Knowing I'm the one who inflicted this pain. It crushes me every time. It's quite a nice day out. I don't want to go to school. So I wont.

I walk away from my original direction and head to the art museum. There is only one thing I like about the Art Museum, that's the photography. I'm a very enthusiastic photographer. Though, I've never owned my own camera. It's something I've always wanted.

“Can I help you?” I hear a soft voice behind me.

I look behind me to find a young man, probably fresh out of university in a Museum uniform. I smile politely but shake my head. He shrugs and walks away. I know my way around this place more then anyone. Including the people who work here.

“Why aren't you at school?” I freeze and groan.

“Because I don't want to be at school” I mumble grumpily.

“I don't care missy. You can't keep doing this. This is the third time in two weeks” Rosa says.

I huff and pout at her. She just gives me a stern look. I sigh.

“Fine, I'll got o school” I mumble before walking away.

“No you don't I'll drive you. You're not walking” She says.

I go to protest but she gives me a warning look. I huff and drag my feet to the parking lot as she walks behind me. I couldn't help but be a little happy since she's looking out for me like a mother is suppose to. The thought made me smile. I had only recently become closer to Rosa. Though I haven't let her touch me and I haven't touched her.

“What's got you so upset?” She asks.

I look out the window and shake my head.

“Is it James?” She asks.

I don't shake nor nod my head. I just keep looking out the window.

“What did he do deary?” She asks.

I sigh and look down at my hands on my lap.

“A few weeks ago we kissed” I mumble.

“Why is that such a bad thing?” She asks.

“After we pulled away...I ran. We haven't spoken about it since. I shouldn't have let it happen” I whisper the last part with tears.

“Hey, why would you say that?” She asks.

“I don't deserve him. He's too good for me. I'll just hurt him. I already am! Every time he looks at me I can see the pain in his eyes. But he's still so sweet to me. He hasn't brought it up because he knows I don't want to talk about it” I say frustrated.

“You two need to talk about it sweetie, and you put yourself down too much. He'd be lucky to have such a beautiful, smart, talented young lady like yourself” She flatters.

“I don't want to talk to him about it. I don't want to look in his beautiful green eyes and see that pain” I state.

“The only way the pain will go is if you talk to him” She says softy.

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