Chapter 17 Part 2

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“Is there something on your mind Angel?” He asks.

We've been in the car for an hour and I haven't spoken a word. I look over at him and smile. I can tell he is both worried and nervous.

“Just trying to guess where we're going” I say softly.

He chuckles a little and takes my hand in his.

“You can sleep if you're still tired” He says as I yawn.

I blush and nod my head. Once at a stop light he leans over and lowers my seat for me before shrugging his jacket off for me to use like a blanket.

“I love you so much” He whispers.

I smile and soon fall asleep while drowning in Mr Roberto's wonderful smell.

“Babe. We're here” I hear Mr Roberto whisper.

I stretch and yawn before sitting up. I look outside the car window to see we're at an amusement park. Their bigger then what people make them out to be. I've never been to one before. I smile up at Mr Roberto who is standing at my opened car door. I get up and hug him tightly. He stumbles from surprise but hugs me back.

“Thank you for bringing me here. I've never been to one of these before” I say softly.

He tightens his grip slightly on me and kisses my head.

“Anything for you Angel. Now come on, let's get inside” He says.

He takes hold of my hand and leads me to the ticket window. I blush and smile down at our hands. We don't have to worry about being caught since we're so far away from the people we know. Mr Roberto pays for the tickets and we walk in. I am in complete awe.

“Where would you like to go first?” He asks softly.

“I...I don't know. There are so many things to choose from” I mutter in awe.

“Come on, let's go on the fastest ride here” He says excitedly.

I giggle and let him lead me to this huge looking roller coaster that had loops and swoops and twists and turns. I watch it goes off, excited yet slightly frightened screams filling my ears as they zoom across the track. I look up at Mr Roberto nervously biting my lip. He smiles softly at me and kisses my nose.

“You'll be okay Angel” He says giving my hand a light squeeze.

I nod my head, soon we board the ride and go zooming off. I squeal quietly as the thing jolts forward. Holding onto Mr Roberto's arm. He just kisses my forehead and chuckles slightly. My legs feel like jelly after riding that thing. We walk around for a little and play the small trivial games like 'pop the balloons' and 'squirt the clown'. Mr Roberto won me two new teddies. Come to think if, these are my only teddies.

“Would you like some lunch now Angel?” He asks.

I nod my head slightly while smiling up at him.

“I have something planned, but we must leave” He says.

I nod my head. I've gotten enough fun from here. All the photos and the games. He takes my hand in his and leads me to the car.

“Are you tired Angel?” He asks.

“No, not really” I say smiling.

“I hope you will like what I have set up for us” He says smiling.

“As long as I'm with you I am happy” I say blushing.

I watch as we drive away. I wouldn't let go of the teddies he won me. They're not small but they aren't oversized.

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