Chapter 12

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Ann-Ray's P.O.V

How can a man so evil, have a son so beautifully sweet? It just doesn't work. I feel so awkward around Mr Roberto now. I mean his father is the man who took my virginity where as he is the man who took my heart. I understand it mustn't be easy for him either but I just can't bring myself to look or talk to him.

I know it's not his fault but every time I think about him, all I see is his father. I hope this goes away. If it doesn't I wont know what to do with myself. I'm still living in his apartment with him and Rosa. Though Rosa is leaving to visit her ill sister in America tomorrow so it'll just be Mr Roberto and I in the apartment for about a month.

“You okay Angel?” He asks cautiously.

I nod my head. I feel terrible treating him like this but I can't help it. I want to talk to him but every time I try, no words come out. I can't even have him touch me now. I feel as though it's a threat. I'm trying to convince myself he isn't, but that takes time.

I'm sorry. I really don't want to act like this around you but my body wont listen to what I'm telling it.

“It's okay sweetheart. Just know I love you” He whispers sadly.

I knew he was trying to be reassuring but he couldn't help the tone. I've been like this for two days now.

“Cherry is coming over tomorrow afternoon, I hope that's okay” He says.

She's your sister...It's your apartment. I wont stop you.

“I want to make sure you're not uncomfortable Angel” He says.

I'm not

“Are you sure?” He asks.

I nod my head and roll my eyes. Though he couldn't see me roll my eyes. I knew he knew I did.

Once at home I walked to Tom's room and snuggled up onto his bed. I had tidied his room yesterday since it was gross and smelt like armpit. Mr Roberto did offer me Simon's old room but his old room was worse then Tom's room. I think that's why no one has gone in there since he moved out.

“Dinner is ready” I hear his beautiful voice.

How can I feel so much for one person? I feel like he's my world but my body think's he's an enemy. I sit up and take the bowel of chicken soup. It had gotten colder now, since it was Autumn. I blew on the soup then ate a spoonful.

Thank you, it's amazing

“It's homemade” He says proudly.

You're a great cook, I'll give you that much.

He chuckles slightly at my comment.

“I'll take what I can get” He says.

I could hear his smile within his words. Once done, Mr Roberto came back in and took the bowel for me.

“Sleep now Angel” He whispers.

I nod my head and get under the covers.

I woke up the next morning feeling sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I felt someone hold up my hair while I was sick. This person made sure not to touch any other part of me as I threw up. What a beautiful way to start the day.

“Are you okay Angel?” I hear his voice ask.

I nod my head and walk to the sink. I brush my teeth and wash my mouth out with mouth wash a few dozen times. When I look up in the mirror I swear I could have died. I was as pale as snow itself. I went to lift my hands up to inspect them. Only to find them shaking uncontrollably. As I walked my legs felt like jelly, I tried to hold onto the wall as I walked back to my room.

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