2 months later

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I looked at my phone and saw that it was 8:22am. I lay back and my head hit the pillow. There was no way I was getting back to sleep. The sun was already shining through the small holes in the middle of the blinds on the window. It had been only a week since Selena's tour had finished and she had been given a break now. Her album was about to release and her single had already had such a great reception. Just as I was about to go into the shower, my phone started to ring. I looked down at my phone and saw it was Simon. Simon is a boy I met while Selena was on tour and ever since, we've talked everyday. I know what you're thinking, "New boyfriend?!" No, no, we're just friends..Just...friends. 

I picked it up and answered.


"Hi, I was wondering if that was the pizza place?" He put on a strange accent, to obviously make it sound more convincing, but of course, failing. 

"You do know I have caller ID right?" Silence fell.

"Oh, the invention of caller ID has ruined it all." I laughed and I could almost hear him smile through the phone.

"How are you? I feel like we haven't spoken in...." I looked at the clock.

"We spoke yesterday." 

"Yeah, I know, let me be dramatic!" I laughed. We talked for a while longer about everything really then we ended the conversation and I went and had my shower. 

Selena was sitting in the kitchen, drinking a starbucks coffee.

"Get me anything?" She looked over like she was still half asleep.

"Yeah here." I walked over and she handed me it. I sat down and started drinking.

"Who are you talking to?" I looked at her and saw that she was looking down at her magazine, not even paying much attention.

" Just Simon, he just phoned to talk about stuff.." A sudden interest seemed to appear on Selena's face.

"Stuff?" I rolled my eyes.

"Not in that way, we were just talking about music and tv, our lives." She looked at me with this "You're in love with him" face.

"You can stop looking at me like that because it's not like that."

"Yeah, sure, whatever." She said it so sarcastically, I looked at her and a small smirk was printed on her face. 

"What about Tommy?" She looked at me as if I had just told her I crashed her car then set it on fire.

"Why are you bringing him up?" The smirk from her face disappeared, and landed on my own.

"Well, you know, discussing my love life, why not discuss yours?"

"Because there is nothing to discuss." She looked back down at her magazine, pretending not to be phased by me bringing up the boy that she's so in love with right now. 

"Not even that small little kiss you guys shared yesterday out by the pool." She dropped her coffee, luckily, not from a large height, so it actually landed properly, without spilling. She looked up at me, with the you just set my car on fire face.

"How do you know that?" She was being so serious, nothing would make her laugh at this precise moment.

"Well, last time I checked, I do have eyes." 

"But...but, you were in your room." She squinted her eyes.

"Was I though? Was I?" I smirked and she got up. She walked over to me, almost towering over me as I was sitting down, even if I was standing, I wasn't tall, maybe 5"1 atleast, Selena was 5'4 or 5'5.

"What else did you see?" I spun around on my chair to face my coffee and started drinking.

"Mmm, nothing, I mean your giving me the impression, there was more...to see?" I looked up from my drink.

"No, there wasn't. Why are you so annoying?" She punched my arm and sat back down. I laughed and must of looked smug because Selena was rolling her eyes.

After moments of silence, I brought up a question that she most likely, wouldn't want to answer.

"So what is exactly going on with you and him?" She continued to look at her magazine,

"Nothing, nothing, it was a small kiss. That was it." 

"Okay, that's cool..." I said it sarcastically and like I never meant it all because I didn't. I knew that she had fallen for him the day we met him on tour. He worked at one of the venues and he was a friend of Selena's drummer. They got talking, and talked for unlimited amount of hours and shared numbers. She had seen him a couple of times after, but that was it. Until yesterday when he came around, and they kissed. Now, you see I have learned over the time of Selena being my sister that once she is kissed, that takes everything to a new level of the Selena Gomez romance. She can't just say it's a small kiss, because it isn't to her. It's a something amazing and makes her fall even harder which is how I know that she has fallen for him as there was a kiss.

Selena's phone was lying on the counter, I heard what seemed like quiet vibrating, then her ringtone started. We both looked at each other. I knew exactly who it was. We both jumped up at the exact same time, I swear it was like she was my mirror. I went to grab the phone, faster than Selena and ran out the kitchen.

"GIVE ME MY PHONE NOW!" Selena screamed and begun chasing me around the house. I answered it and it was Tommy, I hadn't even looked at the caller ID.

"Hey, Selena, I uh.."

"Tommy, hey uh..it's..Nina" I must of sounded weird because I was out of breath from running, and trying to jump over various obstacles like suitcases, random shoes, there even was half a coffee table built up, but then my Mum was sidetracked and didn't finish it.

"Nina, oh uh, is Selena around?" I froze, and I don't even know why, I think my body must of just malfunctioned from trying to run, jump and speak. Selena grabbed me and tried to grab the phone. 

"She's actually busy now...get off, stop it...she's in the bathroom, had a rough night, with bAD INDIAN FOOD." He could probably hear Selena shouting in the background, she bent my arm back which made me drop the phone and her to grab it instantly. She cleared her throat.

"Tommy, sorry about that, don't listen to her..." She turned around to me and moved her fingers across her throat. I shrugged. She stormed off upstairs and slammed her door.

I laughed and fell onto the sofa. It's good to piss her off. It's fun. We like messing, as any sisters do.

Half an hour passed and I heard her door open and her beginning to come down the stairs.

"I hope you didn't think I was joking, because I am going to kill you." I shot up.

I better find a good hiding place. I smirked. 

Wait I have a sister?! (Selena Gomez story)Where stories live. Discover now