Just normal sister fun...

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A week had past. I hadn't talked to Ray, he texted me numerous times, he had phoned me numerous times, each time I just ignored him. He was way too good in getting people back, Selena always grabbed my phone before I got to read them anyway and deleted them. She's really shown that she is a very protective sister. I've spent most of the week with her, and it's been great. I haven't seen Jasmine, the same with her. She's texted, called, even arrived at the door, everytime...I've just...ignored. I just don't..I don't think I can face her just now. Selena thinks I should talk to her, but not now, just I'm not ready. 

Cody? Oh, well him and I are...are great. We aren't in a relationship. We're just seeing how things go. We talked everything over and well, we don't want a relationship now. You're probably thinking, wait...how is this working out!? We're just both honest, that's all. Selena thinks I should stay away from boys just now. I laughed at the thought of that. I hadn't met her boyfriend yet, Justin. You know, Justin Bieber? WORLD FAMOUS, THE Justin Bieber. Yeah I know, it's weird. I don't mind. 

I was on the sofa, on my laptop, on tumblr searching through various pictures of Selena. She was so beautiful. A lot of Selena's fans knew about me now, they followed me on twitter, tumblr....everything really. Just then the doorbell rang. 

''Selena can you get that?'' I screamed upstairs. Silence. I sighed. There was no point in shouting a second time because she still wouldn't hear me and Mum was in her office, probably with earphones in on a call. I got up and went over to the door and answered it.

''What's u...'' I realised who it was. Jasmine. I rolled my eyes and was just about to shut the door when Jasmine pushed it back open.

''Nina, please just, let me talk to you.'' I sighed.

''Why Jasmine? Why should I let you talk to me? You didn't believe me for so long, you then told my boyfriend...ex..boyfriend, that I kissed Cody, when I could of done it myself, without all the drama, it was your fault Cody got hurt, it was your fault it got so out of control, it..'' I could feel the anger building.

''Nina, I need...just please let me see my piece and just let me..explain.'' I could see the hope in her eyes that I would accept. I nodded.

''Later okay? Just...meet me in my back garden and we'll just talk...talk then.'' I shrugged.

''Thank you Nina, you won't regret this...'' I nodded, smiled and shut the door. Was I doing the right thing? I don't know. She did seem genuine, I just...anyways. I wasn't letting that down my mood. I had actually woken up in a decent mood for once. Selena came downstairs and looked at me.

''Way to just ignore me, I had to answer the door to Jasmine.'' I sighed.

''Oh no, what a tragedy!'' She said it sarcastically. I half smiled and shook my head. She went to go back upstairs. 

''You're hilarious, I....I agreed to meet with her.'' She turned around and looked at me, she ran back down the stairs and ran up to me.

''Are you serious? When? Where?'' 

''Later, tonight, outside in the back garden.'' She smiled and just nodded then went to walk away.

''Nothing else to say?'' I was confused. She normally had to comment on everything.

''No, no..just happy you're giving a chance, like she should of given you a chance before.'' That's why Selena wanted me to give her a chance so much, because that's all I've wanted since the day Jasmine thought I was involved in the whole Ray thing. I just laughed and fell onto the sofa. My phone started buzzing, it was a text from Cody saying: hey beautiful, how are you today...? Guess what I just got?!?

Me: What did you get?! I'm great, well thank you gorgeous hehe, how are you mister?x

Cody: A new surf board! You have to see it soon :) and I have to see you soon..hahaha and I'm great:)

Me: Well, that would be lovely to see both ;) Well that is good! So what have you been doing sir?:) 

Just then Selena walked past and grabbed my phone. 

''Ooooh, who are you texting?! Oooo Cody huh?'' She said it in such a stupid voice. I jumped up and went after it.

''Selena give it back, that isn't any of your business.'' I went to grab it but she held it up in the air. I wasn't tall at all, I was only like 5,1. Selena is like 5,5 so you know.

''Hm, I think it is. I'm your sister, I deserve to know what you're doing and who you're texting.'' She just laughed.

''Just give it back you jerk.'' I went to jump up and grab it but she moved it.

''Come on go on, get it if you want it, it's right here.'' She was being so annoying, but then it hit me. Her phone, she didn't have it. She never has it in her pocket, it's always glued to her hand. It must of been up in her bed. I had to get it. I had to see how she likes it. 

''Okay, cool. You keep my phone, I just gotta go.....pee.'' I nodded and slowly walked back then ran to the stairs. It took about until I was at the top of the stairs for Selena to realise where I was going and what to get.

''NINA!!!!!!!!!!' She screamed. OOh she was pissed. I ran into her room and grabbed her phone. I quickly shut the door and leaned against it, pushing all my strength onto it so she couldn't, well hopefully couldn't open it. She started banging on the door.

''You have 5 seconds to let me in or I am going to kill you.''

''What?!? Either way you're probably going to kill me.'' I laughed. It was silent for a minute.

''True, but just OPEN THE DOOR.'' I laughed and looked through her texts. There was nothing exciting until I found her and Justin's texts.

''Interesting, you and Justin's texts. Someone was a little...excited last night.'' I burst out laughing. 

''Ohh you are so dead, SO DEAD.'' It was silent for a minute and I continued to look through her texts when I heard my mum's voice.

''Okay Nina, open the door, now.'' I quickly stood up and opened the door to see my Mum and Selena staring at me. Selena grabbed her phone out of my hand and I grabbed mine. 

''She stole my phone first because apparently since we're sisters, she can read through my texts.'' 

''Look, I'm not...just BOTH OF YOU, please behave, don't touch each others stuff, got it?'' Selena and I nodded. I went downstairs and lay on the sofa and quickly texted Cody saying I would text him later because Selena took my phone and she was probably gonna try do it again. I was just about to get up when Selena jumped over the sofa, onto me and started hitting me. Me, well being me, started hitting back. We always were play fighting now, it was quite funny. She was just about to throw another punch when I stopped her.

''Okay okay okay, you win, you win. Don't hit me again. I'm sorry.'' She smiled. She was always happy when she had 'won'.

''Good, I'm glad you know I'm the winner, as always.'' She got off of me and I rolled my eyes. Selena went upstairs and I got a text from Jasmine saying she was outside. I sighed and got my shoes on. Guess it was time face her. I opened my back door and went out. I couldn't see her. I went around the corner further into my garden.

Jasmine was there, but so was


Wait I have a sister?! (Selena Gomez story)Where stories live. Discover now