We're a family.

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I sat on Selena's bed. This was the longest I had been in her room. It was weird, but I was to annoyed to focus on any of that. Selena closed the door and sat beside me with her head down. ''Well?'' I looked at her. She sighed. ''Look Nina, I need you to not say anything and just listen, this isn't as confusing as you think.''

''Oh so it's not confusing, so that's why you lied, because it was so not confusing and n..''

''Shut up, seriously.'' Her voice was stern so I just stopped and began to listen.

''Mum..got in contact with me when I was 12, yes, she was going to wait until a time where she had told you, but she wanted to contact me sooner, so she did. She kept telling me she was going to tell you but we came to a decision that we would tell you when I was 18, when I was older and you were older. More mature if you like. That didn't work out.'' She laughed while I just sat and stared at her. She noticed and stopped. She carried on. ''So, that's what we did. We waited, we kept in touch, I even met up wi..'' I froze.

''Hold up, you met up with..her? When? Where was I?'' How could they of met up when I was there?

''Well, I really wanted to meet her, so I invited her over, at this point, I had the money, so remember when your mum went on a business trip with her friends and you stayed with other family.'' I knew exactly what she was talking about, I didn't change my facial expression. I remember that exact week, my Mum told me she had a business trip, just with her friends, a meeting for some sort of new business..I was excited for her, I stayed with other family then my Mum came back, extremely happy but told me the idea had failed but she didn't mind cause the trip was inspirational. At that time, I had no idea what she meant but now? Yeah now I do. 

I stood up. ''Look, it uh...doesn't matter. We're all here now, we can't change anything...yeah'' I couldn't believe they had lied to me for this long. I left her room and went into my own.

A couple of days passed, nothing was really the same. Maybe you think that I'm just being a moody teenager, but my own mum..she lied for so long, about the trip and everything. I just, needed to think it over. 

I had just gotten home after being at Cody's. I went into the living room to see Selena and my Mum standing, waiting for me. Well, to make it short. They sat me down, explained the reasons why they didn't tell me. It would make school more confusing for me, It would make me not want to be there even more. They didn't know how I would take it. They didn't want to take me out of school because they knew we would have to move and well we did. It was nice. A lot came out, that I needed to hear. 

''We okay now?'' Selena stood above me while I lay on the ground throwing a ball up in the air. I laughed.

''Come on, we're sisters, when are we ever going to be okay?'' I smirked. I threw the ball up and she caught it.

''Hm, exactly. I'll be keeping this.'' I didn't even flinch, I just laughed.

We're a family.

Hope you enjoyed, not my best, more to come :) 

Wait I have a sister?! (Selena Gomez story)Where stories live. Discover now