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I shook him and his eyes were glued shut. I continued to shake him and nothing. I phoned an ambulance.

"Please. please hurry." My eyes were filling up with tears. 

The ambulance arrived and they took him away. They wouldn't let me in the ambulance and I didn't even know why. I just phoned Selena and she knew instantly something was wrong and came and picked me up. She took me straight to the hospital. I had stopped crying now and I was now angry - who would do this to Simon? He's so innocent. He doesn't look like someone trying to cause trouble, he just looks like an innoncent 17 year old boy who loves comic books and music.

We both went in and Selena went to the reception desk and asked for him. We were allowed to see him, Selena said she would wait in the waiting room if I needed her. I went into his room to see him lying motionless. I slowly walked over and he turned around.

"Nina..." I quickly ran over to him and hugged him lightly so I didn't hurt him. 

"Oh my god, Simon, I thought you were..."

"Shhhh, it's okay." He kissed my cheek. I grabbed a chair and sat beside him. 

"What happened?" I held his hand, not wanting to ever let go.

"I just, well, Rory and I were walking to the comic book store then he got a phone call from his Dad telling him to get home because something had happened, so he left, I went into the comic book store, looked and came out then next thing I knew I was being dragged into the alleyway by this boy, it was that boy, with you, I can't remember his name, uhm C..C.."


"He seemed pretty angry, his friend did most of the punching and kicking. He just stood there and laughed, he was staying stuff about me staying away from you but I couldn't really hear him cause of the pain.." I turned to look at Simon, and after all of this, he was smiling. I smiled back and continued to hold his hand.

"He must be the jealous type." I laughed and cuddled him. I was so angry, why would Cody do this? He hadn't ever acted like this before, ever. Simon was getting out later tonight after they had done tests, he was going to phone me but I had to go because his tests were going to begin soon. I kissed him goodbye and went and found Selena.

"Can you drive me to Cody's?" We walked out of the hospital and searched for the car. 

"Sure, but I'm staying in the car outside." I spun around to look at her.

"What? Why?" We both jumped into the car.

"Look, I'm not stupid. Cody obviously did this to Simon, if you're going there, I'm not letting it happen to you."

"He wouldn't do anything to..." Then I stopped because I didn't know anymore. I didn't know if he wouldn't hurt me or not, or that guy that was with him who did most of the 'punching and kicking' in Simon's words. I just nodded and she drove me there. 

I went up to the door and rung the doorbell constantly. I was expecting Cody but a older guy opened the door. He must of been in his 20s, maybe about 24 or 25. I had never seen him, he looked rough, he did not smell good and seemed to have not showered in days. 

"Is Cody in?" I was blunt, I wasn't up for having any conversation with this guy who probably was the guy who beat up Simon.

"Uh, you must be Nina, we were expecting you. Come i.."

"No, I'm not going in, come out."

"Well, I guess we won't talk to you then..." He was just about to close the door when Cody pulled it open.

"Nina!" He sounded so happy, he had the biggest grin covering his face. After what had just happened and he was acting like this?

He went to give me a hug and I swung my hand round to collide with his face. 

He jumped back and rubbed it. The strange, rough guy moved forward when Cody moved his hand infront of him.

"How dare you do that to him? If you loved me you would have never had that done."

"You don't need him. He's nothing." I looked at the strange guy who had just spoken who I had never seen in my life  until now.

"Look, you have no involvement, apart from beating up my boyfriend. You need to back off."

"He's my cousin, Billy." I looked at Cody who now had a red mark appearing on his face and kept rubbing it.

"So you got your cousin to nearly kill Simon?" Cody looked down and didn't say a word. Billy grabbed my arm.

"You should go, you've ruined his life."

"Get your hands off of me." I shook my arm as hard as I could but his grip remained when Selena came running out of the car.

"Get your hands OFF of my sister, NOW." Selena was one of those girls who showed to be really sweet and innocent but as soon as you messed with her or someone she loved - she will kill you.

She grabbed me and pulled me back and Billy let go. She raised her hand which was formed into a fist and threw it into Billy's face. Billy didn't expect it and fell back. Cody was shocked and he almost fell back as well. Billy jumped up to show he hadn't been defeated by a girl.

"You...you'll pay for that."

"Oh, whatever." Selena grabbed my hand and raced back to the car. We jumped in and drove off.

"I've never seen you punch like that."

"Guess you've never seen me that angry." I looked at her and I could see the tears of sweat dripping from her forehead, she was angry alright.

We got home and I stumbled into the house to find the sofa and fell onto it, along with Selena. I phoned Simon and he wasn't getting out until tomorrow. 

Once I had hung up, my phone rang. It was Cody. I didn't answer. He left a voicemail.

"Nina, I'm so sorry, I'm, I never meant for any of this to happen. Please answer. Just lemme talk to you. Let me meet you, please, tomorrow, at the house on the corner. If you don't come, I'll understand, just please let me talk." The house on the corner was an abandoned house that Cody and I sometimes went to to hang out.

I talked to Selena about it, we were gonna go, she was gonna come with me. You probably think we're crazy, but there's something in me that makes me want to go. So, that's where we were going tomorrow. 

Wait I have a sister?! (Selena Gomez story)Where stories live. Discover now