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Of course I had to get the milk. My Mum was busy and Selena wouldn't ever move to buy something for anyone unless it was for her. She had used the last of the milk so didn't need it.

"You should get it, you used the last of it."

"Which means I don't need it." She smirked and continued to eat her cereal.

"I hate you" I said as I walked out the room to slip my shoes on.

"I love you too" I rolled my eyes and left the house and began to walk to the shop. The sky was cloudy but it was still hot. That was it in California, there was never any really cold days. In Scotland it was cold everyday and I mean, everyday. 

I got to the shop and bought the milk. Getting to the shop made you walk past Starbucks so I shrugged and went in. I ordered what I normally got and paid. I was just leaving the shop and got outside when someone fell right into me. Well, I may have walked into them as I wasn't paying attention, my bad. 

The girl's coffee had spilled all down her white shirt and some was even her hair. Her mouth was wide open and she seemed angry. (The girl looks like this )

"Shouldn't of wearing a white shirt today." She lifted her head up, glaring at me as if she was about to kill me with the coffee cup, if that was possible.

"And you should look where you're going!" She raised her voice.

"Well, you were the one who walked into me." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing." I looked up. 

"Well, my apologies, I' going." I quickly shook my hand into a wave and went to walk back home when she grabbed me.

"You could at least buy me another coffee."

"Okay, well.." I tapped my pockets.

"Oops, no money, I'll write out a little IOU." I said quickly and spun around when she grabbed the back of my pants where there was a pocket and dug her hand into them and took out a 5 dollar bill.

"I think this might cover it." She threw it at me. 

"Ohh...forgot....that was in there." Why did I have to leave money in there? Who was this girl and why was she so interested in me? Normal people would just accept the apology and go get the coffee themselves, but no, THIS girl had to get me to buy her one.

"You do know I am 16 right?"

"And I'm 18. Good to know."

"Look, why don't you keep this?" I handed her the 5 dollars and shoved it into her hand.

"And I'll be off, so I can get home, to my sister, to give her this milk and drink my coffee. That I bought, because I'm a little scared, so yeah."

"Scared? Why?" She looked at me confused. I felt awkward.

"Ah, well, I mean. Most people would accept the 5 dollars and go, and accept the apology. I, I don't understand why you...uh, want me to come in with you and buy the coffee."

"Well you seem like an interesting kid, with a funny accent." I still had my scottish accent which had a mix of American in it.

"Well, I'm Scottish, not a funny accent, a Scottish accent...I mean it's gr..."

"Look, are you going to stand here all day trying to get your way out of it or just buy me the coffee?" I groaned and nodded.

"Fine! Fine, whatever." I went into Starbucks and she followed me. I went up to the counter.

Wait I have a sister?! (Selena Gomez story)Where stories live. Discover now