Are we brother and sister?

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He could not be my brother. He just can't. Why has my Mum scheduled a paternity test? How is this even possible?

I read the letter again to see my Mum's name in bold and read it again.

Simon Denning.

My Mum has only met Simon once but why is she getting a paternity test? What?

My Mum came in.

"Hey honey, wh..." She saw what I held in my hand.

"You weren't meant to find that..."

"What is this? A paternity test to find out if Simon is your child?!?!"

"It was a one night stand, I was contacted after Simon became friends with you and ..we don't know if he's definitely mine...I..."

"Mum, we love each other. We've kissed and...we can't be brother and sister."

"I guess, we'll find out tomorrow." I know it wasn't her fault, but I was angry with her for hiding it from me. I nodded.

"You can tell Selena, I'm not..going through it with her." My Mum nodded and I left the room just then my phone went. It was Simon. Unsure if I should answer it after what I had just answered, but I tried to forget about it and answered it.

"Hey Simon."

Hey, uhm...I need to talk to you." I could hear the serious tone in his voice and how he was being very blunt which wasn't like him at all. 

"What about?"

"My Mum, just uh....talked to me about something." I was nervous, he sounded terrible.

"Come on Simon, what is it?"

"I might be your brother." He said it so quickly and it was quite hard to understand but I heard it. I heard it perfectly.

The line went silent and I didn't know what to say.

"I know."

"What? How do you know..?"

"My Mum, she had the hospital letter in the office and I read it.."

"Great how they told me the day before right?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I know, classic parents...and.."

"Look.." Simon interrupted.

"I don't want this to ruin us, even if we are brother and sister, we'll get through it, obviously we...can't go out, but we'll still be close...we'll be a great pair for brother and sister..."

Even hearing him say that we could be brother and sister made me shudder. I didn't want him as my brother, I wanted him as my brother.

"Of course, we will be." Will we? The line went silent and we ended the call.

Time went incredibly slow but tomorrow finally came and we all got ready to go. Selena wasn't coming as she didn't really want anything to do with it, but I wanted to know first thing.

We were meeting Simon and his Mum and Dad there. Simon was adopted, I knew that, he had told me the first night we met, he said he didn't know anything about his birth parents but his adoptive parents were the best people ever.

We arrived at the hotel and I hugged Simon straight away, trying not to kiss him. My Mum and him had to quickly go in and get the test taken and the results would be ready in about an hour. We all had to sit in a room together, it was awkward I have to admit but Simon kept making conversation so there was no awkward silence. Finally the Doctor came in.

"Okay, so, I have the results here." He rustled paper around and told us.

My eyes filled up with tears.


Guess you'll just have to wait until the next chapter to find out if they are brother and sister ;)

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