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It was Simon's Mum. The thought in my mind was that he had died, but I was shocked by the new few words.

"The tablets...the tablets, they're working, they're working." I burst into tears, happy tears of course.

"The Doctors said he is going to recover but he needs to go to a special clinic in Denver, I'll be going with him, I'm sorry that he h..."

"No, no please don't apologise. He is going to get better and that is the main thing." My voice kept cracking and I kept coughing to try and hide the fact that was I crying so much.

"Just tell him I love him and I will talk to him soon."

"I will." I almost heard her smile through the phone. Selena must have heard the phone ringing because she was in my room and I told her. She cried as well, then my Mum got up, and I told her. We kind of all just cried, I cried the most obviously but it was just nice to finally know something was going right.

A month had passed, Simon was back to his usual self, he was so much better, he still had to go for scans every couple of months just to make sure and he's still on a few tablets, but he doesn't care at all. He was back home now but I was just leaving to go on holiday.

Yeah, our Mum wanted to take us away and we're actually going back to Scotland. I think it's gonna be strange but hey, it'll be fun I guess.

"So, how long are you away for again?" Simon looked at his notebook while writing things down from a comic book.

"Just a week or so I think, I can't even remember, but I'll be back soon as." He looked up and smiled.

I leaned towards him and was just about to kiss him when his sister came in. I had only ever met her once, and it was very brief. I had came to his house and she answered the door, she was 19. She was quite rude to me, I don't think she liked me but this was only the second time I had met her.

"Ugh god, get a room." I pulled back quickly and Simon groaned. He slowly pulled back and sat back on his room.

"This IS my room Jess, get out." She rolled her eyes.

"Mum said Nina needs to go now."

"Oh that's fine..I'll just grab my things.." I grabbed my bag and looked up to see that she was glaring at me.

"Why now? Ugh, well I'll text you I guess." I smiled and turned.

"Hey wait!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me back into a kiss. It was unexpected, but I liked unexpected kisses. I pulled back and he smiled. I spun around, slowly loosening my grasp on his hand and went to the door.

I went out and downstairs. His sister was sitting in the living room and looked around when she heard something. When she saw it was me, she quickly jumped and ran over.

"Nina right?" I was confused, as she had just said my name upstairs. I slowly nodded.

"Yeah look, I'm his big sister..."

"Wait, is this that game?" She looked at me odd.

"Where we state all the really basic facts that everyone knows like uh...I'm Nina, your Simon's sister, I'm his girlfriend." I smiled. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door when she slammed the door shut. She sarcastically laughed.

"No, it isn't. It's the game where I'm the protective sister, who doesn't want my brother's heart broken which I have seen happen many, many times and if it happens again, I'm going to physically kill the girl who did it." I gulped.

"Well, sounds like a great game, but I better get going, busy times and busy days. And yeah." I quickly ran out and walked back to my house. The new house was closer so it was a lot better than the old one. 

We were leaving for Scotland tomorrow. I was excited, it was gonna be very weird going back.


Hope you enjoyed - Sorry it's short, just not had time but wanted to give you guys a little something. Also apologies about ending the Simon storyline, at the time of beginning it, I wanted to go into the whole cancer thing in a lot of depth but then family issues happened and I became to busy and sidetracked and I just lost interest in actually writing a good storyline for him and I didn't want to give you all just rubbish so I just quickly ended it. I was going to kill him off, but you know, Simon is a nice guy ;) He'll be staying for a little while longer. Hope you're all having a great day!!!!!

Wait I have a sister?! (Selena Gomez story)Where stories live. Discover now