Is this really happening?

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Today was the day. Moving to L.A. and meeting Selena. This was going to be crazy. I slowly got out of bed and looked at my phone. 7am. NOBODY should be up at this time.

"You ready yet?" My mum was rushing around grabbing everything.

"Hm? I, yeah I mean nearly" I rubbed my eyes and scratched my head. My mum laughed and started moving everything. We didn't have that many boxes but Selena had paid for our boxes and what not to be shipped over seperately. These random men came and started taking boxes into a van. I didn't really have any idea what was going on, I just didn't want to be late for our flight. One think I did not want to be late for. 

"Okay make sure you have everything important!"

I double checked and nodded.

"Yeah I mean, everything I need is here. So, uh...I guess we can, say goodbye" We smiled and left the house and got in a taxi and got taken to the airport. Let's do this.

At the Airport -

I hated waiting at Airports. I mean who actually likes this? It's horrible. Our flight was FINALLY called. It had been 3 hours. 3 friggin hours. We both got up and grabbed our hand luggage and went outside. Goodbye crappy weather in Scotland. Our seats were right at the back. Brilliant. It was an 11 hour flight. The pilot started talking but I couldn't understand a word he was saying, everyone was to noisy and his voice was muffled. The plane took off and it was L.A here I come.

Arrived at L.A - The plane landed. The nerves were building up. Knowing Selena was gonna be in that airport waiting for both of us. It was pretty damn nerve wracking, especially when Selena has known all this time so has met our mum before. It was just me who had to meet her. We both got off the plane and went inside and got our suitcases. My mum walked on and you followed. I seen someone running towards my mum and hugging her. I slowly walked beside her. "I can't believe we're all finally together!" Selena laughed. She looked at me. I smiled. " Uh...Hi? I'm uh..." "Nina?! I know!" She jumped and hugged me. "This is crazy, I just can't believe, we're all a family, here, together." She laughed. We all laughed.  "Do you know those guys?" I pointed to these 3 guys, one with a small digital camera, another with an iPhone and the last with a SLR camera, all taking pictures and videos.  "That's just....uh..the paparazzi, come on let's go." She grabbed onto my arm and pulled me along. It had all went good so far. Now, time to go to our new place.

Wait I have a sister?! (Selena Gomez story)Where stories live. Discover now