I need time.

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Selena woke up on the completely wrong side of the bed yesterday and today. We had such a nice day the other day, and now she's turned into a bitch. She's been so mean and I don' even know what I've done. Anytime I bring up Simon, she tells me I need to shut up about him so then I change the subject to talk about her and she says I ask too many questions. So I've just given up.

"Why are you talking me?" Selena came over to the sofa. I didn't look up but I saw in the corner of my eye, she had her arms folded and she was glaring at me.

I sighed. "Because you're acting like a complete and utter bitch."

"Excuse me?" I looked at her.

"You heard me Selena. I mean what is going on with you?" Selena looked down and laughed.

"What's going on with me? What's going on with you?!?" I stopped and looked at her.

"Selena, what are you talking about? I've been exactly myself, I've done nothing wrong. Anytime I mention anything to you, you freak out like I've just told you I murdered someone."

"You always talk about Simon, never about anything else, you ask me way too many que.."

"TO MAKE CONVERSATION." I started shouting, I was angry. I was annoyed that I had been so nice to her and I was getting this in return, this always happened. Always.

"I have barely talked about Simon, maybe one or two times saying that I miss him, which by the way, is normal for someone who has a heart unlike you. Oh and when you broke up with Justin, may I add, you were crying like a baby everyday."

"That's different."

"How in the hell is that different Selena?! Si..."




"So now....now, you don't support me? Or my relationships? Because apparently I am too young.."

"Well it's true.."

"Simon and I had a better relationship than you have ever had Selena, who cares if we're young, we were in love and we had a way better relationship than you and any of your previous boyfriends, who have pulled up every string of drama they could find."

"That is not true."

"Oh you know it's true Selena." I laughed and rubbed my eyes which were filling up with tears.

"You know, I really thought you had changed. The other day, we had so much fun. No drama, no boys, just us."

"You need to understand Nina, what you had with Simon was nothing. You're..." I laughed and raised my voice.

"SIXTEEN I KNOW SELENA. You've mentioned that four hundred times already.."

"It didn't even mean anything, you didn't even..."

"Even what?" Selena looked at me then looked down.

"Sleep with him?" She looked up at me.

"But I did Selena. I did sleep with him." Selena froze, her face turned pale and she couldn't control her voice.

"Wh..what what, what do you mean?"

"WE HAD SEX SELENA. Oh my god, is it that hard to understand? Surely you of all people would know about sex in relationships."

"You take that back."

"I'm not taking anything back, you criticise my relationships I have every right to criticise yours."

"I can't believe you slept with him, you're too young, you're such an idiot, you are such an idiot." She said it with such a meaningful expression in her voice, like she actually meant that I was an idiot, that I actually was stupid enough to be a 16 year old girl who lost her virginity to a boy that she didn't love according to Selena.  I took a deep breath in.

"You'll never understand because you're just...just..you're something special Selena." I grabbed my hoodie and threw it on.

"But hey, if I'm such an idiot, I guess I'll just leave. When Mum comes back from her week away, you can explain why I left" I stormed towards the door.

"What the hell do you mean? You're not leaving." Selena ran after me and grabbed my hood and pulled me back. I forcefully pushed her back and she only fell a step back.

"GET OFF OF ME SELENA." She fell back further than when I pushed her.

"I don't need your bullshit on my life. I have my own bullshit. And whatever...you are going through right now, you need to deal with it, not your 16 year old little sister. Not me."

"Nina, don't you dare walk out of that door."

"Tell Mum I'll see her soon." I opened the door and walked out.

"NINA YOU COME BACK..." I continued to walk away trying to hold in the tears.

"YOU'RE AN IDIOT. SCREW YOU." I heard the door slam and I kept walking. I had nowhere to go. I don't know exactly why I left when I knew I had nowhere to go, but I just needed space. I just needed time.

That's all I needed was time.

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