Vacation with the Youngs

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I sat up in my bed and look over to Selena who had fallen asleep beside me. She was still fast asleep and wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. I slowly got up and went through to the bathroom and got ready. 

"Hey honey." I jumped from fright, falling into the counter in the bathroom and hurting my leg.

"Ow, ow ow.." It was my Mum.

"Sorry, never meant to startle you." I laughed.

"It's okay Mum, just, not fully woken up yet." She laughed and shook her head.

"So I have something to tell you."

"Oh, what is it? You want me to get Selena up?"

"Nono, you can tell her in a little while...okay.." She cleared her throat and looked around for a while. It was like she was telling me Selena was my sister all over again.

"Come on Mum, what is it?"

"Well..we're going on holiday!!"

"Oh woah, that's awesome!! Where to?!"



"I know, I know, but it's so beautiful...and..."

"I know I know, of course I'm not complaining, I love it there, it is beautiful."

"There's one more thing..." My Mum looked down then slowly back up at me and smiled.

"We're not going alone..." My smile slowly disappeared, but not fully. I waited for her to tell me more, nervously.

"Well, we talked about it last night, when you and Selena weren't in the room and Scarlett wasn't paying attention..."

"Wait..wait..we're going on holiday with.."

"The Youngs...yes."

"You mean to say, we are going on holiday, with the man who cheated on you and..."

"It was a long time ago Nina, it's fine. Scarlet, you and Selena are all friendly so it's great. It'll be so good" I slowly nodded, trying to take in what she had just told me.

"Well are you excited?!"

"What..." I took a deep breath. "Of course I am!!!!!!!!! I'm just..shocked that's all. It's going to be....awesome."

"So when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning. I know, I know, it's super soon and crazy, but they already had reservations and they just booked another room for us." I smiled and nodded. She smiled, squealed and hugged me. She ran out the bathroom and downstairs. 

I ran into my bedroom and jumped on my bed and onto Selena.

"Selena, wake up. Selena, come on come on. Wake the hell up."

"Nina....go away..."

"Selena, oh my god, I literally do not have time for this."

"Do you know what I don't have time for? Us going on holiday with the Youngs." Selena jumped causing me to fall back then fall off the bed.

"Jesus, maybe some warning next time when you go into crazy mode." I stood up and brushed myself off. 

"The Youngs? You mean our neighbours, you mean Scarlett, you mean that ..guy ...thing.. that cheated on Mum?!?"

"Yes yes!! That is who I mean!!"

"When do we leave?!?"

"Tomorrow..I think we're going only for like 4 days but it's not the point. Scarlett is going to try and kill me. You know that, I know that, everybody would know that if they knew what she was like and what I had said last night."

"Okay, look, it'll be okay. She won't get anywhere near you, I'll be there protecting you. We'll just spend it with us two."

"You know that's not possible Sel. Mum already said it's gonna be great because...and I quote 'Scarlet, you and Selena are all friendly.' Mum doesn't know, and we can't let her know that we don't like this girl and this girl doesn't like us. We have to act happy families, happy friends."

"We can do that." I looked at her and sighed.

"Well ..we can try and do that." I slowly nodded.


Hope you enjoyed this, sorry it was a little short, More coming soon soon soon!

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