Life is short.

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I had been sitting in the park for 3 hours. Luckily it was a nice day or I would have been screwed. Selena had phoned me 7 times and text me. I had ignored it all. I didn't want to talk to her. I didn't want to see her. I didn't want to look at her. I walked around the park and sat on a bench and looked up to the sky. The next thing I knew, a guy sat beside me. He looked as if he was about in his mid 20s, he had short hair that was in a quiff, he had green eyes and a thin beard. He looked at me and tilted his head forward as if he wanted to see my face more. I turned to look at him and he quickly shyed away then looked back at me.

"Sorry, I ..thought I recognised you." He smiled and I looked closer.

"Hey, I know you, you serve me in Starbucks nearly everyday, well when I go." He turned to look at me again and laughed.

"That's it! That's where I recognise you from..sorry, that was a creepy introduction." I laughed.

"So what are you doing out here? All alone?" 

"I got in a huge..huge fight with my sister."

"Oh, damn, that's..not good at all. What about?"

I explained everything to him about Simon leaving, Selena acting weird the past couple of days and then the fight today.

"I just don't understand why she's acting like that. She needs to get her shit straight and realise what she is doing and.." My phone started ringing and I looked at it. Selena. Another 14 texts and another couple missed calls which put it up to 27..missed calls. The guy looked down and laughed.

"Her? Isn't it?" I slowly nodded.

"Look, you guys need to figure it out. I know you're pissed, I know you're angry. I have been there. I have a brother. He's a year older than me, when I was 17 and he was 18, we had one of the biggest fights we have ever had. I left home, just like you, I ignored everyone, all my family for weeks. I was so stupid. I should have went back that day, but I didn't. I let the anger eat me alive. I let it get to me so I didn't go back. My family looked for me and they knew I was okay, but they started to ignore me. They started to not call, not text, they ..they gave up. I didn't see them long because of it. Because of a stupid argument that started because of this girl we both liked. Over something so stupid like that. I missed out on so many things with my family because of that one stupid argument. One thing I did miss, was my brother was in a terrible accident. His friend was drink driving and he was in the car, they crashed and he was in hospital for months. I only found out through a friend and they wouldn't let me see him. It scared me, it really scared me..I just, I didn't ever think that he was going anywhere, but life is so crazy. Life is crazy. Anything can happen. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't let this stupid argument ruin your life like a stupid argument did mine. Call her, tell her where you are, ask her to meet you, talk. Life is so short, you can't let stupid things that you think matter so much, that don' all, ruin it."

I looked down and wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I never meant to make you cry, I..uh.." I laughed and shook my head.

"No, no it's fine. You're're just so right." He looked at me and smiled.

"Phone her now, look I need to go but I..will, I'll see you around." He slowly stood up and nodded.

"Wait" He turned around to look at me.

"Did everything work out okay?"

"With what?"

"With your family?" He laughed and nodded.

"Everything always works out if you want it to." He smiled and waved and walked on. I sat for a minute and took all of what he just said in. It was so true and I shouldn't be letting this stupid argument basically over nothing get in the way of our relationship.

I texted Selena quickly telling her where I was as I was actually..scared to phone her.

In the next 10 minutes, she was running over, tears rolling down her face. She fell onto the bench and grabbed me.

"I am sorry Nina. Everything you said was right, I just.."

"'s okay."

"No, no it's not. I am so stupid, you're not an idiot. You are the most perfect little sister I could ever ask for. You did love Simon, your relationship was real. I'm not mad you slept with him." She sighed and looked at me,

"What is it?"

"I'm...I'm jealous of what you had with Simon. It was so perfect and nice, and you did love him...and he loved you. I've never had that before and I just..I was jealous that I..I was blind to everything after he left. I started getting angry with everything. And I was wrong. I shouldn't have been jealous, I should have been happy for you that you had an amazing first proper relationship and I was..I was a bad sister and I'm so sorry."

"You have never..ever been a bad sister, ever."

"I guess, I'm just so protective of you as well. I just never want you getting hurt and I just...I was angry with you because you weren't hurt at all with Simon leaving and I was almost, hurt for you. I just didn't understand but thinking about now, after you left. I realised that of course you weren't hurt, because you ended it so well. It was real, but Simon leaving was almost a good thing for you, and I didn't realise that because I'm your big sister and I'm just scared...that you're heart is going to get broken and I just, I don't want to ever see that happen." I laughed and hugged her.

"I'm okay Selena, I don't think I could ever..thank you enough for how amazing you are. I just...I love you."

"I love you too." She hugged me for..a long time, and it was nice. She pulled back and looked at me. She wiped my face where tears had stained my cheeks.

"We should probably go home, Mum is coming back tomorrow and the house is a mess.."

I burst out laughing and grabbed her arm and we walked home.

Everything I had been told today, it was so true. Everything the Starbucks guy had told me, it opened my eyes.

Don't let silly things or stupid small things ruin your life. Life is short. Live it while you can. Appreciate what you have, because you never know when those things will be torn away from you. 

Wait I have a sister?! (Selena Gomez story)Where stories live. Discover now