It All Begins.|Chapter 1

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Sometimes, even the worst endings are not really endings at all. And, you should know, that even when all seems burnt to ash, in our story, there is always another chapter to be told.

Chapter I


"Dad, what's happening?!" I asked dad. Everybody on the plane was panicking and little children were screaming and holding onto their parents.

Our plane was heading towards the ground really fast. I held onto my chair and my fathers hand. My dad had fear in his eyes as he spoke " Honey, whatever happens I will love you forever, remember that."

"I'll love you, too, I promise. " I said and burst out in tears and hugged my father tightly because maybe it was the last time I could ever hug him again.

People screamed louder and the next thing I remember is a loud crash and everything went black.

--End of Flashback--

It's been a year from the accident and I've finally woken up from my slumber. I missed a year of my life to that stupid crash and I lost my father. I have been crying myself to sleep almost every night and I have nightmares. Sometimes I think that why didn't I die, I would have been with my father right now and I wouldn't feel the pain. But then again my family would've had to mourn two people.

"Honey, we need to talk." my mom and my sister Raquel came in my room and sat down on my bed. I nodded and waited for her to talk.

"Well, I thought that maybe it would help you if we moved away from this place. We could start over and try to move on from what happened. I mean, we have plenty of money and, um, maybe it would help you to live your life again." she said tears in her eyes.

I leaned over and hugged her tight and we started crying. After a while she pulled back and wrapped her arm around my sisters waist and she held my hand. "What do you say? Raquel is okay with moving."

I thought hard and maybe it would help get rid of my nightmares. We had so much memories in this house and I needed to get away from it. I finally agreed and we all hugged again.

"Mom, where are we moving?" I asked curiously.

"We're moving to LA." she smiled and clapped her hands together. "You should actually start packing and, um... yeah" my mom left the room, but my sister stayed.

"Roselle... you were gone for a year and--and" she stuttered and started crying. I pulled her in for a hug and held her tightly.

"I know sweetie, I know."I whispered and drew circles on her back. We pulled apart and she left my room to go to pack her stuff.

I knelt down and pulled out my black suitcase from underneath my bed.I started to put some of my clothes that I actually wear, in my suitcase. I had a pile of clothes on my bed that I didn't want anymore, but maybe Raquel wants some of them. She is younger than me and always looked up to me. She always wanted to dress like me and copied my every single move.

** The Next Day **

We drove all night and when we were finally there my jaw dropped. This house, it was HUGE, it was a mini mansion. I didn't know we had that much money.

"Oh, Roselle... There is something waiting for you in the garage." my mom said tiredly.

My room was on the second floor, it was the second biggest bedroom. I dropped my bags and belly flopped on my new bed. It felt like I was on clouds, it was so soft. My sister ran inside my room and her mouth fell open.

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