Call Me Ali

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I'm Ali Moore. I was born to Jessie and Clint Manger on January 22nd 1998. But they didn't want me so they gave me to social services they put me in a few foster homes till I was finally adopted at age 7. My adoptive parents Liam and Molly Moore, love me dearly and have 3 boys all younger than I. There is Alec who looks just like Molly red haired and covered in freckles. The other two Nathen and Joey look just like Liam black hair and big green eyes. Nathen is the oldest out of the boys he is 13 then Alec who is 10 then finally Joey he is only 5. When Liam and Molly adopted me they thought they couldn't have children boy were they wrong!

I really don't stay home much I am usually to busy partying I'm not your average 'lady' I occasionally smoke I am always partying on the weekends and sometimes on week nights I only come home Monday-Wednesday, just because I get to missing my family. I don't really trust anyone not even my closest friends mostly because I hang with drug dealers, thieves and fellow party people! But I don't do drugs no way! Drugs will screw up your life forever I just want to have fun and let loose.

It is Monday and I am sneaking in the house it is 11:00pm and I was suppose to be home a couple of hours ago but, in my defense I lost the ride I was promised so I had to walk. I was sneaking up the stairs almost to my bedroom when I heard someone clear their throat behind me I turn back and see Liam and Molly.

"Come sit with us Ali" Liam says. I nod and follow them to the living room.

"We don't mind you staying with friends. But, you know Monday through Wednesday you need to be here" Molly states I roll my eyes and nod.

"I'm sorry guys I just lost track of time." I reply giving my best innocent smile. Liam sighs.

"Ali, are you ok?" He ask coming and standing in front of me. "You can talk to me" he finishes. Well now I know I'm not in trouble so I'm just gonna keep this innocent girl act going for a little.

"Yes Liam I know, I thank you and Molly for putting up with me" I say putting on my best good girl act.

"Oh sweetie, we love you!" Molly says and runs up to me and hugs me. "You just go off to bed" she says and kisses my forehead. I smile in victory and run up to my room.

Don't get me wrong I like my adoptive parents they're great I don't say love because that's a very strong word. They take care of me, gives me money buys me clothes they're great! They actually make me feel wanted.

I walk into my room and lay down on my bed. I check my phone and see it is now midnight way to early for me to sleep. I go to school almost every day when I leave I pack a bag of clothes and just crash wherever I am at the time. One time I even slept on a bench at the park. My parents allow me to go out to just be back Monday-Wednesday which is fine.

I decide to take a shower to pass time and of course clean up. I step under the hot water and bathe in my strawberry soap. I step out and put on some black shorts and a lace tank top. I dry my dyed red hair I love it! My natural hair is strawberry blonde, I hate it. I plug in my curling iron and start to curl my hair.

I walk over to the window and look at the starry sky. It is so beautiful, so calming. I like to look at the night sky it gives me time to think about my life. How my parents didn't want me how I actually let my last boyfriend hit me, I'm a tough person I don't let anyone touch me but, Jarred was different I thought I could trust him. One day we were arguing and he slapped me I was shocked and broke up with him. I don't let anyone in and he knew that I was actually beginning to trust him, to actually love him then he just does something like that? I learned my lesson.

I looked at the clock 2:47am I better get some sleep for school tomorrow. I climb into bed not before taking my sleeping pill before. My mind wanders to much and won't shut off so I was prescribed sleeping pills.
The pills kicked in and I finally went to sleep.

-Authors Note-
What do you think?
I really like my ideas for this story how do you like Ali?
(The pic is Ali)
I'll update later!
I update every day because I have so many ideas!!!

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