Tutoring Session

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Molly picked us up and drove us home. I walked up to my room with Derek following behind me. I have no intentions of studying because I really don't care all I have to figure out is when and where is the next party.

"So what do you want to start on?" Derek ask sitting next to me on my bed.

"How old are you?" I ask him.

"17" he answers and starts to pull out his English book. I stop him he gives me a confused look.

"We aren't studying, moron" I laugh he gives me another confused look.

"Then why did you bring me here?" He ask. I think why did I?

"To hang out" I answer. Maybe I can have a new friend.

"What? No one likes to hang out with me" he replies. I smile and pay his back.

"Well I do" I say he smiles at me my phone buzzes in my pocket I check it."Hey you wanna go to a party this weekend?" I ask.

"I don't think I'd be much fun at a parties" he admits nervously I roll my eyes.

"Oh come on it'll be fun!" I say bribing him he shrugs then I get an idea. "Okay if you come to the party with me. Then I'll go some place you like to go" I suggest hi eyes widen.

"Really? Even the comic book store?" He asks getting excited. I shrug. "Deal" he says.

"Maybe we should get to know each other, what's your favorite band?" I ask.

"Easy. All Tine Low" he answers my mouth falls open most the people I hang with just listen to rap music.

"Me too. Favorite color?" I say standing up and getting us sodas out of my mini fridge.

"Red" he answers.

"Me too!" I say amazed. He smiles."How many girlfriends have you had?" I ask I don't know why I asked that it just popped into my mind. He scratches his neck.

"None" he answers. I nod and smile.

"What about you? I bet you've had a lot!" He says. I look at him meanly what is that suppose to mean?!

"Well for your information. One Jarred." I answer coldly.

"I didn't mean to offend you. It's just you're very pretty you could have any guy you want" he apologizes I smile and blush a little.

"Thanks Derek" I reply he nods and smiles.

"Wait. Jarred? The jarred who steals from people?" He asks with wide eyes I put my head down and nod.

"We broke up. He's a dirtbag" I reply. Bringing up jarred makes me miss him. Derek hugs me and for once I hug back.

"Why did you guys split?" He asks I laugh at his boldness.

"You ask a lot of questions." I state he shrugs.

"I just wanna figure you out." He replies I nod and take a swig of my Mountain Dew.

"Are we friends Derek?" I ask. I can tell this makes him nervous.

"If you wanna be" he answers I look at him. He looks pretty trustworthy maybe sometime in the future.

"Yea lets be friends" I answer he smiles. I smile back. He starts to get out his homework.

"You know we have to study for a little bit" he states. I groan I hate school I have no motivation for it.

"Fine let's start" I answer. He scoots closer to me with his English book and we begin.

-1 hour later-

I have to admit when Derek teaches its kind of interesting maybe this is a good thing. Maybe I'll even make an A on the next test.

"Do you wanna stay for dinner?" I ask him.

"Won't your mom mind?" he asks. I shrug I hate it when people call Molly my mom. It's nothing against her it's just to me a mom is someone who abandoned me.

"She isn't my mom, he names Molly and she won't mind" I answer him we stand up and walk downstairs. Molly is cooking, Liam is reading the paper and the boys are playing outside.

"Hi sweetie. Who's your friend?" Molly asks I sit at the kitchen table.

"This is Derek" I introduce.

"Well it's nice that atleast one of your friends doesn't have piercings or tattoos" she replies. I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Your daughter is very smart" Derek states.

"Yes she is. Dinner is ready everyone!" Molly says. Derek sits next to me. Liam comes and sits at the head of the table the boys run in and look at Derek wide eyed.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Alec questions. I kick his leg funder th table. I look over to see Derek's face completely red. Awe he's blushing!

"No we're just friends" I inform Alec he rolls his eyes and continues to eat.

After dinner I walked Derek home. I am now in my room. Derek is a really nob guy I usually don't hang out with that type of people but he's different he is actually fun and doesn't say perverted comments every two seconds like jarred did I feel like I can trust him. I ain't gonna tell him my life story just yet though.

-Authors Note-
How was that not to bad right?
Next chapter will be very interesting!
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