A Night To Remember

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The next day we wake up late in the afternoon about 2 o'clock turns out we both needed the sleep.

Tonight we are going to a small party at Savannah Lapers house. She's a nice girl but, every guy takes advantage of that.

Derek got dressed and is walking me home so I can get dressed. I decide I'm not going to wear a short dress tonight mainly because Derek always acts like no guy can look at me and gets really mad when some guy walks up to me.

I decide on some black ripped skinny jeans with a black lace long sleeve shirt. I apply eyeliner and a bit of mascara and some blush. I finish off with black and silver high heels.

"You like my car?" Derek says smiling leaning on his 1967 mustang.

"Yea but, it isn't your style" I tease.

"What?! What do you mean?" He asks with fake hurt.

"You aren't a bad boy" I smile and climb into the passenger seat Derek runs over and gets in and starts the car.

"You don't know me..." He winks and gives me a quick kiss.

"How'd you even get this car?" I ask.

"My grandpa got it for me" he smiles.

"Well aren't you a lucky dog?" I tease he rolls his eyes and we start the drive to savannahs house.

"You aren't getting wasted tonight, right?" He asks.

"I'll be good" I roll my eyes.

"I don't even like savannah" he mumbles.

"What? Why? She's nice" I say confused.

"But she's dumb as a rock." He laughs. I slap his arm.

"Sorry we can't all be a genius" I tease.

"Well, I couldn't be with someone who doesn't even know what 2 plus 2 is" he replies turning down the street.

"So, Savannah isn't your type?" I smile.

"Nope. You're my type" he pulls in front of Savannahs house. He kisses me and gets out.

I step out and grab Derek's hand as we walk to the door.
Derek goes to knock.

"You don't knock if it's a party Derek" I smirk he sticks his tongue out.

I open the door and pull him in with me. The music is blasting, people are dancing having fun looks to be a good party.

"Ali!" Savannah squeaked.

She comes into view. Wearing a tight bright short pink dress with her hair curled. With at least a pound of makeup she truly doesn't need.

"Hey!" I reply hugging her. Of course she's way taller than me. Almost everyone is.

"So glad you could make it. Is this you boy toy?" She ask wiggling her eyebrows at Derek.

"He's my boyfriend. Derek." I correct with a sweet smile.

"Oh nice to meet you" she says smiling at Derek.

"We have four classes together..." Derek says awkwardly.

"We do? You sure?" She asks confused.

"Yea, we did a science project together...last month" Derek chuckles.

"Ah, what are we talking about?" Sh asks confused as usual.

"Hey that boy is checking you out" I say pointing to some Mexican guy. She smiles les and runs off after him.

"I told you she's dumb..." Derek smirks.

"She's just...a tad slow not dumb" I try.

"Why are you being so nice?" He asks surprised.

I pull him over to the couch. We sit down I take his hand. I'm very happy we are back together.

"I'm just happy...to be with you" I admit. Blushing and looking down at my shoes.

"Is the bad girl Ali blushing?" He teases. I punch his arm.

"Ow! You have a tough punch" he whines rubbing his arm.

"Come on let's dance" I say pulling him with me to the dance floor.

"Ali- no I don't like dancing" he yells over the music.

"Oh come on! Take my hands!" I reply. He awkwardly takes mine he is stiff the whole time.

We party all night. Even though we said we weren't drinking...I may have had a few. We even did Jell-O shots Derek really likes when I do them. He even shudders.

Finally about 4 in the morning the party ends. Derek didn't drink so he can drive but I am all wobbly and feeling real sick.

We almost make it to the car when I fall down. I can't feel anything I can barely hear what Derek is saying to me. I feel him hold me up.

"Ali- please be okay..." He pleads putting me in the car.

I start closing my eyes they feel so heavy. My heart feels like its about to explode. I can barely breathe.

"Hold on baby. I'll get you to a hospital..." I hear Derek's frantic voice.

"No-we'll get in trouble..." I reply shakily.

"I don't care! I love you!" He yells. I can see the tears falling down his face.

My eyes start to shut. I feel Derek put his hand on my knee trying to keep me awake.

But it's to late my eyes shut and everything goes black.

-Authors Note-
Oooo what happened to Ali?

Will she be okay?

Pretty please with a cherry on top:


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