The Talk...Kinda

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Right now I'm at lunch with my friends Derek's friend Josh moved here Monday and so far I can see why they're friends. He's funny but a smart funny.
Smoke got out of jail and is on probation but she's back with us.

"Okay so, what are you guys doing this weekend?" Josh asked drinking his milk.

It is Thursday I am going to meet my real dad and my baby sister  tomorrow I'm really excited yet really nervous.

"Well Ali and I are going to see her dad and sister" Derek says taking my hand.

"Cool but Saturday there's this music festival you all should come" he says excitedly.

"In the park right?" Lucy asks eating her sandwich.

"Yep. Sadly my family wants to come with me" he whines I roll my eyes.

"Oh come on they aren't that bad..." Derek comments.

"My sister talks to herself. My mom is always complaining and my dad just stares at people" josh complains.

We all bust out laughing.

"Well maybe I can swing by" I chuckle I honestly just want to see if what he's saying is true.

The bell rings ending lunch.

-After school-

Derek and I are in my room doing some homework. My family is out visiting their friends.

"Okay so what did you get for number 18?" Derek ask with his amazing eyes I can't help but get lost in them.

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"Like what ya see huh?" He smirks.

"Hush" I reply sticking my tongue out.

"Can I ask you something?" He says nervously.

"Yea what's up?" I reply.

"Are we ever" He asks nervously. I get what's he's wanting I'm just not ready yet. I want to be with him for a long time.

"Derek you're different. I don't want to rush into things. I want our first time together to be special" I smile taking his hand.

"You're right. I want it to be special too" he agrees I smile.

"I'm glad you're willing to wait" I admit.

"Ali. I'd never make you do anything you don't want to" he assures me I smile and nod.

"I know, I just-you're different" I reply.

"Oh?" He smirks.

"Yea, I mean I've never met a guy willing to wait" I admit.

"So what you're saying is I'm your first gentleman?" He asks smugly.

"As much as it pains me...yes" I tease.

"So you meet your sister tomorrow" he says serious.

"Yea. I'm excited yet nervous" I say twiddling my thumbs.

"Don't be. She'll love you. Everyone loves you..." He whispers and kisses me.

"Hey, will you come with me?" I ask. I am so afraid of going alone.

"Uh..isn't that a little to personal?" He asks unsure I roll my eyes.

"Well you're my boyfriend...I don't think ya can get more personal than that..." I chuckle.

"I don't know..." He replies still unsure.

"Please please please!" I am literally begging now. I give him my best puppy dog eyes and pouting lips. He sighs and tries to look away.

"Gahh fine..." He groans. I jump up and hug him tightly.

"Maybe I should buy Rosie a gift?" I think out loud.

"Like what?" He replied.

"Maybe a doll or something?" I suggest. I've never bought anything for a little girl I only have brothers.

"Maybe a stuffed bear" Derek replies finishing his homework.

"Yea, I think that's what I'll buy her" I smile.

"Well I gotta get home" he says kissing my cheek.

"Okay be here tomorrow by 4" I remind him.

He nods takes his books and leaves. Wow Derek has been thinking about us...having sex?
I like him a lot maybe him. But I'm not ready yet. I want to take it slow.

-Authors Note-
This chapter sucks.

It's just a filler.

Sorry it's short.

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