Clint and Rosie

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Today is the day. It's Friday. I'm getting dressed to go meet Clint and Rosie. I bought Rosie a pink bear with a tutu on it.

I curl my hair put on very light makeup. I'm wearing a nice formal blue tshirt with white skinny jeans. I decide to go casual so I finish with my grey converse. I quickly spray some perfume and run downstairs to meet Derek.

"I'm so nervous" I say pacing the living room waiting for Jessie to arrive.

"Don't be" Derek smiles and stops me from pacing.

"I got Rosie a gift" I smile showing him the cute little bear.

"She'll love it" he assures me and kisses my cheek.

I hear a knock at the door and answer it. There stands Jessie doing the usual: smoking a cigarette and rolling her eyes.

"Let's go" she mutters. I take Derek's hand. We walk to her old beat up truck and sit close together.

"Are we going to your house?" I ask making conversation.

"Apartment. Yea" she corrects me I nod and start to play with the ends of my sleeves.

We ride in a tense silence all the way there. About an hour later we pull up in front of a sketchy looking apartment building.

We walk out and follow Jessie. Right when I step through the door to the lobby I can smell what I think is smoke and urine probably from rodents.

We get on the elevator that looks atleast a 100 years old.
We arrive on the third floor walk to the 36c apartment.

We walk through and I am astounded. This place is a wreck. A stained brown couch sits in the center of the room. Nasty looking carpet. Cigarette butts everywhere, a old tv sits in the corner playing 'wheel of fortune' and it's dimly lit.

"They're in Rosie's room..." Jessie mutters lighting a cigarette.

Derek and I walk hand in hand til we come up to a room that reads 'Princess Rosie's Room' I messy handwriting I smile.
The door is then opened and there stands a man holding a little girl.

"Oh...Ali..." Clint whispers with tears in his eyes. I walk into the room its condition is no better than the living rooms. We sit on the bed.

"Umm...I got Rosie this" I smile showing her the toy. Her eyes widen.

"Thank you!" She yells jumping into my lap.

"Do you know who I am?" I ask the girl who looks like a mini-me.

"Yea! You're my sister!" She exclaims hugging my neck. I hug back.

"So, should I call you dad?" I sniffle turning my attention to Clint.

"How about Rosie and I play outside while you two talk?" Derek suggest we all agree.

He takes Rosie some old toys and they leave the room just leaving Clint and I.

"Ali, I never wanted to give you up...the moment I saw those big dark eyes...I fell in love" he whispers.

"Clint, I know I don't blame you" I assure him.

"I was such a fuck up at the I plan on leaving Jessie and taking Rosie with me to Brooklyn" he informs me.

"You should you and Rosie deserve better than this..." I smile.

"Yea and we can be a family, you can live with us" my smile turns to a frown at his words.

"Look, I like you and Rosie and I'll always see you guys. But, I already have a wonderful family waiting for me at home.." I reply.

"I understand we will never replace them. But, we just want to be apart of your life. I want Rosie to know her sister..." He admits.

"She will. I'll take her to school each day, come over and help with homework and even take her to the park." I assure him he nods and smiles brightly.

"I'm proud of you" he smiles and hugs me I hug back.

"My family...I want you to meet them..." I mumble.

"We'd love to. Who all is there?" He asks.

"Well three little boys who are so sweet and adorable, me and my parents Molly and Liam" I reply proud of my family.

"Okay. How about dinner tomorrow at your house?" He suggest I nod and give him another hug.

Derek and Rosie walk in. Rosie runs straight to me.

"Don't leave!" She whimpers.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I grin and kiss her forehead.

"Who's this?" Clint asks looking at Derek.

"He's my boyfriend. Derek." I smile taking his hand in mine.

"You take care of her" Clint warns Derek chuckles and shakes his hand.

"I willow course" Derek replies shyly.

"Okay, well I'll see you guys tomorrow" I finish. I kneel down to face Rosie.

"Love you Ali cat" she whispers and hugs me.

"Love you too Rosie posie" I tease she laughs.

"Tomorrow?" She asks unsure. I nod.

"Until early then. If you miss me to much just hug your bear real tight" I reply. She looks down at her toy and gives it a tight squeeze.

"Bye Ali" Clint smiles showing Derek and I out and into the living room where I see a past out Jessie.

"Bye Clint" I wave.

Once we are out and into fresh air I feel so relieved to have them to meet them. I'm so lucky.

"Hey you alright?" Derek asks holding my hand tightly in his.

"Yea just happy" I admit and kiss him lightly.

Looks like we're taking the bus home.

-Authors Note-
How was that?

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Hopefully I can reach 900 soon! So excited!
Thank Chu!!=^•^=

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