One Time Hero

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I wake up to Molly shaking me awake. I groan and roll over.

"Ali! Up time for school!" She shrieks. She is way to peppy in the morning.

I get up and start going through my clothes I decided on red skinny jean, a black shirt that says 'Free Hugs' and my converse I grab my jean jacket and head down stairs for breakfast. I reach the kitchen to see my adoptive brothers stuffing their faces. I take two pancakes and dig in.

"Are you excited for school?" Nathen asks with wide eyes. I shrug and continue to eat.

It is October and fall break is coming up I am so excited for that.

"Will you take me trick or treating this year?" Joey asks using puppy dog eyes I sigh and nod he runs over and hugs me.

"Time to go!" Liam says leading the boys to the car I hop in after them.

I lost my drivers license because I was drunk driving. I feel awful about it I'm glad I didn't hurt anyone I don't know what I would've done if I did.

-At school-
I walk into Brooklyn heights high school it's always crowded there is way to much people in my opinion. I know almost everyone hates school, I hate it too stupid jocks always hitting on me and some of the slutty cheerleaders always commenting on whatever I do or say one in particular is the worst. Penny Burrows. She is co-captain of the cheer-bots. She wears slutty clothes and cheap perfume. She bullies anyone who is different like me and my friend Smoke. No that's no her real name that's what we call her she smokes two packs of cigarettes a day sadly she isn't here went with her boyfriend on vacation a month ago.

As I walked to my locker and put in my combination I hear a bang and look around the corner since everyone has scurried off to class the halls are deserted. I look and see Tyler Weber holding a kid by his coller. Now I usually stay out of these situations but, what the heck I might as well help. I walk up to Tyler and slap the back of his head he lets go of the boy and turns to me.

"Bitch! What was that for?!" He yells. I roll my eyes is he that stupid?

"Stop picking on people!" I yell back he scoffs and starts to walk closer to me.

"Oh is Thai your friend?" He asks with an amused look. I smile and decide to play along.

"Yea he actually is. If I see you around him again I'll kick your ass!" I threaten. Tyler chukles. I kick his shin. He jumps.

"I don't have time for you skank" he calls and walks away. I shrug and help the boy pick up the papers he dropped.

"T-Thank y-ou" he stutters as I hand him his papers back I nod. I look at his eyes one is swelling up and bruised. I take his hand and drag him to the office. "What are you doing?" He asks.

"Getting you an ice pack" I say handing him the ice pack I got out of the office fridge he holds it to his eye. "I'm Ali by the way" I say folding my arms.

"Derek" he says sticking out his hand I look at him. Who shakes hands anymore? He puts his hand back down I start to leave.

"Wait! C-Could I sit with you at lunch?" He asks unsure. I'm shocked no one sits with me not even smoke she ditches with her boyfriend. I nod.

I start walking to English 20 minutes late. Looks like I can't ditch P.E. Today I sigh and walk in. Everyone's eyes are on me I sit in the back.

"Ms. Moore why are you late?" My my teacher Mrs. Havens ask. I sigh.

"I didn't want to hear you talk your voice is annoying" I snap back the whole class continues to stair.

"Well you should have shown up then you would know you're failing this class" she informs me I shrug. She takes a deep breath. "And there for I will assign you a tutor.." Just as she's about to finish the door opens and in walks Derek the teacher grins at him he hands her a piece of paper and sits in his seat. "Your tutor will be Derek" she says I nod.

I sit at my table eating the PB&J Molly packed for me. I look up from my lunch and see Derek.

"Hi. So can I sit?" He asks. I nod. He sits down and eats his lunch. "So I'm your tutor when do you want to study?" He ask. Gosh this guy is full of questions.

"Umm. You can ride with me to my house" I suggest he nods. I don't really plan to study. I'm just bored and lonely so maybe I can make a new friend.

"Thanks again for helping me" he says I shrug.

"Tyler's a jerk. Why haven't I seen you around before?" I ask he chukles.

"Probably because you hardly ever come to school" he laughs I grin and nod. He looks at my shirt and stands up walking up to me I give him a confused look. Then he hugs me! I tense and push him off.

"What?!" I ask laughing.

"It says 'Free Hugs' so I got a hug" he says with a shrug. I chuckle. "But you didn't hug back!" He states I sigh and hug him.

I hear whispersyand I turn around to see Penny and her friends laughing and pointing at me. I turn back around to face Derek.

"Don't pay attention to them, they're just jealous" he tells me. Why would they be jealous of me?

"Jealous?" I ask confused. He smiles and nods.

"Because you don't have to put on a pound of makeup and wear skimpy clothes. You're just naturally beautiful" he says and finishes his sandwich. I blush and look down. Maybe he'll be a really good friend maybe he'll be a trustworthy one. Not fake.

-Authors Note-
So they met yay!
She stood up for him and he called her beautiful! Isn't that sweet?!
The pic is Derek.
Next chapter is the first tutoring session.
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