Maybe A True Friend?

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Derek and I hung out for a long time till he had to go home. He is actually a really cool person once you get to know him. It is now Tuesday it feels like this week will never end.

I get up straighten my hair and put on some clothes. Once I'm happy with my appearance I run out the door I decided to meet Derek at the bus stop. I walk to there and see him.

"Ready to walk to school?" He asks. I nod and we walk. Soon enough we are there.

"Hey Ali cat wanna come to my place?" A jock. Ethan ask. I roll my eyes he is always trying to get in my pants I turn him down every time. I choose to ignore him until he grabs my wrist.

"Hey, she doesn't like you let her go" Derek states. Ethan let's go and laughs at us.

"What? Are you dating this loser?" Ethan laughs. I scoff.

"It doesn't matter if I was. You're the only loser I see" I say sweetly he stops laughing and glares at me he steps up and tries to get in my face.

Derek steps in between us and starts to push Ethan away from me.

"You two are pathetic" he says and walks away. I roll my eyes that's the best he can come up with?

"Thanks Derek" I say

"That's what friends are for" he replies I smile.

None of my friends have ever stood up for me in fact they encourage fighting.

We walk to our lockers and grab our books we have almost every class together which is great. Who knew I'd befriend a nerd?

As the day goes on I get to know Derek more. How he gets bullied a lot, is very shy most of the time, and he doesn't have many friends.

We walk to my house after school once we arrive we go to my room just like yesterday.

"So what are you doing for fall break?" He ask sitting on my bed.

"Probably gonna go to a couple of parties maybe the fall festival." I answer he nods and looks awkward.

"I'm probably just gonna stay home" he informs me I scoff.

"No way you're taking me to your favourite book store" I say lifting his spirits. His eyes widen.

"You'd actually want to go with me?" He ask surprised. I roll my eyes and nod.

"As long as you go to some parties" I reply. He starts twiddling his fingers.

"I don't know I was hoping you'd forget about the party" he says.

"Oh come on! You just my meet a girl there" I suggest he laughs and then frowns.

"No girl would like me" he replies. Awe! He's so cute! Wait what?!?

"What? You're adorable!" I inform him. He blushes and shrugs.

I sit down next to him and grab his hand I don't know why I just did it felt like the right thing to do. He held mine and gave it a squeeze. Then Nathen comes running in.

"You two are dating!" He yells pointing to out hands I snatch my hand away.

"No we aren't! We are just friends!" I yell getting defensive.

"Whatever. Mom says she left you money to buy new clothes" he tells me I nod. He leaves the room.

"Wanna go to the mall?" I ask Derek he nods. We run downstairs I grab the $100 bill Molly left and we head out.

-The Mall-

We have been here an hour and I have bought some shirts and skinny jeans. Now all I need is a new party dress.

I head into a store and start looking. I'm glad Derek is here I need a guy's opinion I think I'm ready to start dating again. So I wanna look hot.

I pick a lace black fitted dress that ends just above the knee I grab some black heels and walk out. When Derek sees me he looks me up and down I blush.
I clear my throat.

"What do you think" I ask twirling. He gulped and his face was red.

"Y-yea t-that's good" he stutters I smile and go change into my normal clothes.

I buy the dress. I buy us some chocolate milkshakes and we start to walk back to my house. We get there I unlock the door and turn to Derek.

"Thanks for hanging with me" I tell him he smiles.

"No problem. It was fun you're a very fun person" he replies I flip my hair.

"Tell me something I don't know" I tease he smiles and walks home.

I walk inside and run up to my room and hang up my clothes once I'm done I go back downstairs to the kitchen for dinner. Molly has made chicken Alfredo its is delicious!

"Mom, Ali has a boyfriend!" Nathen teases I kick his leg under the table.

"Awe! Who?" Molly asks excited. I roll my eyes.

"I don't have a boyfriend. Me and Derek are just friends" I tell them and continue to eat.

"Then why were you holding hands?" Nathen asks. With a smirk.

"Friends can hold hands" I point out he rolls his eyes.

"Well he is a nice boy" Liam says.

"Yes I know but I don't know him that's well and I don't like him that way" I answer them.

They all let the subject drop. After dinner I take a shower and get in my jammies and lay down.

-Authors Note-
How was that?
Isn't Derek just a sweetheart?
Next chapter it'll be fall break! See what they do!

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