The Good Life

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Two days! Two days til the concert! I don't think I've ever been this excited before!

Right now I am packing a over night bag because we will be spending the whole weekend first the concert, then there is a fair the next day so we are going to that.

"Ali cat!" Joey yells running into my room. I pick him up and sit him on my bed.

"What's up bud?" I smile.

"I want a gift!" He replies shyly. I roll my eyes.

"Of course I'll get you and the boys something" I assure him still picking out clothes for this weekend.

"Are you and Derek gonna get married?" Joey asks watching me fold my clothes up neatly.

"Umm. Maybe one day..." I reply awkwardly.

"I hope so. I want to be an uncle" he smiles I freeze. Oh god this boy is thinking that far ahead? He's five! Of course I think about it I'm a lovestruck teenage girl.

"I'll tell you what if I do have a little boy I'll name him after you" I promise. His eyes widen.

"Yay! I ant wait!" He cheers.

"It'll be a while buddy" I assure him.

"Where do babies come from?" He asks confused. I freeze.

"Umm...Walmart..." I blurt out not even thinking.

"How much was I?" He asks buying the story.

"Um. Not sure" I smile and pat his head.

"Are you done yet?" He asks impatiently.

"Yea all done" I reply happyily.

"Mama wanted me to come get you" he smiles I nod and we walk downstairs together.

"Are you spending the night at Derek's tonight?" She asks I nod.

"Okay, well me and the boys are going to the movies" she informs me I nod and give her and the boys a hug.

"I'm walking to Derek's" I yell after them.

I grab my book bag and start of to Derek's I still have more to pack I want to look my absolute best this weekend.

-Authors Note-
Short chapter mainly bc I am super tired...

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