The End? Possible Sequel

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Hello all terrific supporters of this story I thank you all so very much:)

First off. There may be a sequel to this you know what happened to Clint and Rosie? I have a lot of really good ideas for it. I'll only make one of you all would like me too.

I dedicate this whole book to two people -Winter_Queen- and XxLalalover404xX these two were always the first to vote/read every new chapter I released. So thank you for making me so very happy!

Next is GeorgiaLote you always read my stories you are so sweet! You always comment and make me smile so thank you!

Then there is sissy9494 she is always one of the first to vote/read every chapter. Thank you.

Next, _fandom_elf  first off you have the best taste in music! Also you always leave nice comments you're awesome thank you!

There is many more but that's waaaayyy to many awesome people if you have read and supported my stories/me so I thank you.

Be sure to share with friends! I'd like to meet new people!

I hope you liked this book!

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