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-Ali's POV-

It is now Christmas Day and I really don't want to get up. I'm happy I decided to try this relationship but, I am going to be cautious I am not getting a broken heart again.

"ALLLIII CAAT!!!" Joey yells running and jumping on my bed Nathen follows behind.

"What?" I groan still half asleep.

"Get up its Christmas!!!" Nathen yells I cover my ears and pull my blankets over my head.

"Come on Ali" Derek says pulling the very warm covers away from me.

"Can't we wait till later?" I ask

"We've been waiting since 8 it's 11 now!" Joey complains I groan and get out of bed.

We all walk well I walk while all the boys run downstairs. I smell chocolate chip pancakes and hot chocolate. What a glorious smell. I walk to the kitchen where Molly is setting the table with food. She made hot chocolate, chocolate chip pancakes, bacon,eggs and coffee. I think Christmas is my new favourite holiday.

"Ali, pancakes?" Molly asks making me a plate.

"Two chocolate chip pancakes and a cup of hot chocolate would be nice" I chuckle I am going to be up for days with all this sugar.

She places my food in front of me since everyone else had already eaten besides me and Molly we are the only ones in the kitchen.

"Molly this is fantastic!" I compliment taking another bite of my food.

"I make them every Friday.." She smiles.

"Looks like I'm staying home more" I joke. Molly's eyes widen.

"Oh please do. I miss you Ali." She says frowning I nod.

"I think I will. Besides joey is like my best buddy now" I reply she smiles bigger.

Once we're done with breakfast we wash the dishes and put them away. Liam had a family emergency so he had to leave earlier. We walk into the living room and see gifts stacked under the tree. Molly seperate them for us. Derek had 4 I had 5 joey and Nathen had the same amount Alec had one,

I opened up my first gift which was wrapped in blue snowflake wrapping paper with a red bow around it. I tore it open and my eyes widened. It was a fuzzy brown bogging with matching gloves and a scarf. It looked really fans and expensive it was from Liam.The next was in red wrapping paper and was a small rectangular box. It read from Molly. I opened it and there was a beautiful silver chain necklace with a small ruby jewel dangling at the end I hugged and thanked Molly. The next was from Nathen and was wrapped in green paper. I opened it and grinned it was a black sweatshirt of my all time favourite Disney movie 'The Lion King' it showed my favourite character. Simba.
I smiled and hugged him the next was another from Molly. It was a bunch of band tees a new leather jacket and two pairs of skinny jeans purple and black.

The last was from Derek and it was in a small gift bag. I opened it and my mouth dropped in my hands was two tickets to a 'Bring Me The Horizon' tickets for May 7. I screamed and hugged him tightly.

I handed him his gift. He opened the poorly wrapped gift and his eyes widened.

"You got me my favourite book?!!" He yells excitedly I smiled and nodded. It took me a while to find 'The Maze Runner' series

After we all opened our gifts Molly is cleaning up. Alec got a Xbox one and the little boys got toy cars and some other things. So they went up to their room and played.

"Let's go for a walk" Derek suggest and takes my hand.
We walk out the door and walk down the street.

"I'm happy I spent Christmas at home" I admit.

"I like your family" he replies.

"Are you happy about us?" He asked concerned.

"I really am. I think this relationship is different then my other." I whisper and squeeze his hand.

"I'm going to treat you right Ali" he vows I nod.

But something in the back of my mind I still have a little bit of doubt. That he's going to break my heart or I'm not going to be good enough for him and he'll find someone better...

"Ali. Stop overthinking" Derek says. I sigh and shrug. We then stop walking and I face him.

"I'm just scared,I think I'm not good enough for you" I admit. He chukles and takes my hand.

"You're perfect for me" he replies and kisses me lightly I feel the spark. I really don't want this to end sadly we need air.

We pulled away and walked home. You know what I'm going to fix myself. If I want to be good enough I'll work hard to make sure I am. I'll work on my grades, my relationship with my family and on trusting and letting go.

-Authors Note-
Yay! Christmas!
I am really wanting chocolate chip pancakes now -_-
Well thanks for reading!
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