First Hangover

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I wake up the next day to hear someone puking I then remember last night. I chuckle a little and head to the bathroom. I then see Derek hunched over the toilet.

I grab a wash rag and run some cold water on it. I take it and walk over to Derek I turn his head to me I wash his face with it. I then hand him his glasses.

"Thanks" he says while breathing heavily.

"How do you feel?" I ask stupidly.

"I feel like shit" he replies and chukles.

"You cuss?!" I asks surprised I think I'm rubbing off on him.

"Ever now and again" he shrugs.

I go to the kitchen and get him a water since he doesn't have Gatorade. Luckily his mom is working so we won't get in trouble just yet for being late.
I give him the water and he gulps it down.

"What are we doing today?" He ask looking all pale and sickly.
I laugh.

"Are you sure you're up to doing anything today?" I ask surprised.

"I'm fine. I like hanging out with you" he replies. For some reason that makes me smile.

"How about we go see me family?" I suggest he nods and walks into his room to change. I decide to wait outside once he's done we start walking.


We walk in and automatically smell breakfast. I head upstairs and take a shower Derek is talking to my brothers. Once I'm done I put on a black skirt and a light blue tee shirt I grab my jean jacket and head back downstairs.

"Alright we're going to Smokes!" I yell to Molly I grab Derek and we walk out.

-Smoke's house-

We walk into Smoke's place let me just tell you it is not the nicest house it is always dirty and of course smells like smoke and alcohol.

"Aye!" Smoke greets and hugs me she then looks at Derek.
"You look like crap" she comments.

"Wow thanks" Derek replies sitting on the couch I sit next to him.

"Where is Ryan?" I ask smoke. Ryan is Smoke's boyfriend they've been together since 5th grade.

"Buying more cigarettes" she replies I roll my eyes I swear this girl is going to lose a lung.

"What are you guys doing tonight?" Derek asks.

"We are going to Amber Furlies party" Smoke smiles. Ugh she knows I can't stand Amber. But she does throw good parties her voice is all high and squeaky plus she sleeps with almost anyone.

"I'm going" I tell smoke she chukles.

"Sure you can handle Amber?" Smoke teases me I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"I can handle myself. Plus I want to have fun!" I respond she shrugs.

"You comin' nerd?" She asks Derek. He shrugs.

"Only with Ali" he replies. That made me smile a little.

"I think someone has a crush!" Smoke teases.

"Hush Lori!" I say using her real name. She playfully glares at me.

"Wait your name is Lori?!" Derek asks with a amused look Smoke rolls her eyes.

"Shut it!" She snaps.

"We should go and get ready. See ya there smoke!" I say and walk out the door with Derek.

"I'm glad we hang out" Derek tells me.

"Me too. You're pretty cool" I compliment. He nods.

"Why don't you like Amber?" He ask confused.

"Well she has a really annoying voice. Also she sleeps with everyone" I answer.

"Well not me. I have eyes for only one girl" he tells me I smile.

"And who is that?" I ask interested.

"You'll know soon enough" he answers I push him. H pushes me back.

I wave goodbye when I reach my house I walk up to my room and get ready.

I wonder who he likes I'm kind of jealous I know I shouldn't be because who would like a girl like me? I'm a broken person I'm not perfect I'll probably never be.

I put on a tight strapless red dress some red lipstick a bit of eyeliner and straighten my hair. Two hours later I hear the door bell ring. I put in my black heels and open the door.

There stands Derek in a 'My Chemical Romance' shirt with black ripped skinny jeans and converse. He looks at me and blushes which makes me blush.

I take his hand and we walk to Ambers party. I think I have a tiny crush on Derek it's nothing big and probably will never happen he's to good for me. But sometimes the way he looks at me and talks to me I think he feels the same way. I secretly hope I am the girl he likes...

-Authors Note-
Awe! So sweet Ali has a crush!!!
Who is Derek's crush?
Will these two be together?
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Love chu!

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