I'm Not...Bad

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Derek and I have gotten closer and I've started trusting him more since our date a week ago. I hope we can make it I really like him. It's weird I'm dating a nerd. I've never dated a smart person before well,  not a book smart person. Jarred was more street smart he knows how to trick people and deceive them to get what he wants. I really hope I never see him again.

"Ali what did you get for number four?" Derek ask.

We are at my house at the kitchen table studying for our English test tomorrow. I am not the least bit interested all I keep looking at is Derek it's weird I'm noticing things I've never seen before.

How when I compliment him he gets all nervous and can't say anything back right away. Or how when he's so focused he     bites his thumb and the absolute cutest thing is when he laughs his nose wrinkles up! Ugh I'm such a girl!

"Ali!!!" Derek yells I jump.

"Yea?" I say

"You were staring at me.." He says smiling.

"Well can't I look at my boyfriend?" I say smugly. His eyes widen.

"That's the first time you acknowledged I'm your boyfriend" he smiles widely. Now I'm nervous.

"You are...aren't you?" I mumble he laughs.

"Well yea! It just feels good that you said it" he admits.

"Enough with the mushy stuff back to work" I reply. I hear my phone buzz and check it. Great another text from jarred.

Jarred: Ay, you better come to my house tonight.

Me: no jarred. I'm with someone else now.

Jarred: yea I heard. That Nerd, look when will you realise you're worthless, no one really likes you he's probably just dating you 'cause he needs a bang. You're bad Ali. No one will want you.

After I read that I had tears in my eyes but I blink them away. Why can't he just leave me alone?

"Ali, hey what's wrong?" Derek asked concerned.

"My ex, he keeps saying I'm a bad person..." I admit. I want this relationship to be a truthful one which means no secrets.

"Ali. You're not a bad person" he replies kissing my temple.

"Yes I am. One time I was so desperate for a drank I beat up an old lady and stole her money, the worse thing is I had money. I did it because I'm bad!" I cry getting fustrated.

"So you were bad. But now you're different. You're so good Ali!" He pleads I smile and chuckle. Maybe he's right maybe I can change.

"I want to be good" I mumble looking at my hands. He lifts my chin.

"You will be. You're doing great" he smiles and puts our foreheads together.

"Agh! You're making me soft!" I joke laughing. I stand up and go to my window.

I hear him walk up behind me. He puts his chin on my shoulder and entwines our hands. He kisses my cheek.

"There's a party tonight..." I say breaking the silence. I turn to look at him.

"Okay. But no drinking" he says sternly I nod and agree.

"Well you go to your house and get ready. We leave in an hour" I demand he smirks and kisses my cheek.

"By Ali cat!" He calls and runs downstairs.

I close my door and start to look for something to wear. I start thinking of what jarred said. Is it true? Am I worthless?
No. Derek's right I have changed and I'm not going back to that life. It was nothing but toxic, I wish I would've never done the things I have. All those people I thought were friends was fake as a four dollar bill.

I sigh and decide on black skinny jeans and a lacy dark blue top. I put my black flats on and brush my hair out its almost to my bum now maybe I should cut it. I spray some perfume and then grab my leather jacket and head downstairs. I say bye to my family and wait for Derek.

Soon enough he comes he's wearing dark blue skinny jeans, and a 'Albert Einstein' t-shirt. Don't get me wrong I like the way he looks but, seriously an Einstein shirt? We aren't going to a library!

We walk to the house of the party. We arrive and walk in and of course there is the usual scene drunk dancing teenagers having fun and being stupid.

"Ali!!" Randy Smokes older brother says walking over to me.

"Hi randy, this is my boyfriend Derek" I yell over loud music.
They shake hands.

"Hey my friend Marky is here I'm going to say hi" Derek says. He kisses me and walks over to his friend.

I walk over to the drink table I decide on a fruit punch I am staying sober at this party. I feel someone's hand on my lower back I turn around and come face to face with jarred my ex boyfriend.

"Come with me!" He yells and tries to drag me I try to pull away but he's to strong.

"No! I don't like you!" I yell back he smirks and yanks me.

He threw me into a room and pushes me to the floor. He locks the door and comes towards me I cower back. Oh please help me Derek! Please!

-Authors Note-
Sorry for the wait everyone!
What will jarred do to Ali?
Will Derek save her in time?
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