Scared To Fall

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-Derek's POV-
What? Did I do something wrong? Does she not feel what I do? Everytime I'm around her I get butterflies every time we hold hands I feel a spark she's just so perfect. I've never felt like this way before.

I ran upstairs after her I walked into her room and found her crying on the bed. Wow okay I almost kiss a girl and here she is crying. What a confidence booster. I walked over and sat on her bed.

"I'm sorry Ali" I whisper. She turns to me.

"F-For what?" She stutters

"Making you upset" I reply. She sits up and faces me.

"I'm not upset about that" she admits I look at her confused.

"Was it because we almost kissed?" I guessed. She shakes her head no.

"I'm just scared" she admits I take her hand in still confused.

"Of what?" I ask leaning in.

"I-I think I have feelings for you.." She tells me I smile like an idiot. "But I'm not good enough for you..." She adds.

"Ali I like you too." I admit. She looks at me and smiles.
"You are good." I add she shrugs and looks away.

"I don't know what to do" she replies.

"How about we try?" I suggest she looks back at me.

"I don't know..." She replies.

"Ali...can I...kiss you?" I ask unsure of what she'll say.

"Umm...I don't know Derek" she says unsure. I scoot closer to her.

"If you like me and I like you. What's the problem?" I ask

"I'm scared...I'm not good enough for you" she admits.

"Ali you're perfect" I tell her she blushes which must I say is adorable.

"I'm far from perfect..." She mumbles. I lift her chin.

"You're perfect to me" I assure her she shrugs."What are you truly afraid of?" I ask.

"I don't want to fall in love just to get my heart broken..." She admits.

"Ali it is not my intention to hurt you" I say she gives me a weak smile.

"I don't know Derek" she huffs.

"How about we take it slow" I suggest she chuckles. Now I'm the confused one.

"I've never met a guy who wanted to take it slow" she laughs.

"There's a first for everything" I reply.

"Okay...lets take it slow" she nods I smile and hug her.

"Can I kiss you know?" I ask hopeful. She looks unsure but nods.

We both lean in and soon enough I feel her lips on mine. For such a tough girl her lips are so sweet and so soft. The kiss didn't last long because she pulled away. I touch my lips Ali was my first kiss and I want her to be the only one I kiss I hope I never hurt her.

"Thank you Derek" she whispers laying her head on my shoulder.

"For what?" I ask putting my arm around her.

"Giving me a chance" she replies I smile and kiss her forehead.

I've never seen this side of Ali she's always the strong, independent tough girl. Now she's vulnerable, I like that she's comfortable enough around me to show me the soft side.

"It's late. But I'm not tired" she smiles.

"Want to watch a Christmas movie?" I suggest.

"Yea I'll get snacks you turn to the movie" she says excitedly I nod.

She runs downstairs. I turn on the TV I flip through the channels for a while till I find Ali's favourite movie by Tim Burton 'The Corpse Bride' it's not a Christmas movie but it's her favourite. She walks in with the snacks I lay back she sits next to me.

"The corpse bride!" She says cheerfully I smile.

"Yea. You said it was your favourite." I reply.

"It is I can't believe you remembered." She says eating a cookie.

"Of course I do I listen to everything you say" I admit. She grins and takes my hand.

The movie played on and we watched it is a really good movie. Ali actually snuggled into me. I'm happy she's giving us a chance she's my first girlfriend so I count her as my best even though we've only been dating for an hour I'm happy and I know she will be. I am perfectly fine with taking it slow. I can't wait to give her the gift I bought I know she's going to love it. I wonder if she got me anything? If she didn't I won't care her just being my girlfriend is a awesome gift.

I look over and see Ali asleep on my shoulder I lay her down and cover her up with a blanket I lay down with her and sleep through the night.

-Authors Note-
Yay Derek's POV

So they're together!
But taking it slow, which is good Ali doesn't need another broken heart 💔

Next chapter is Christmas!

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