The Definition Of Strong

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March...ugh. Could school just finish already?

I decided I'm going to talk to Derek today. After all it is his birthday. He still stares at me with a sorry look. Maybe he is sorry....maybe I'm just being a bitch and not letting him explain.

So here I am walking to his place with his gift in hand. I didn't tell him I was coming I want it to be a surprise. I arrive and walk up to his door and knock three times. The door opens and there stands a very exhausted looking Derek he looks like he's been crying...

"Ali....hi" he smiles and quickly wipes his eyes.

"Umm...I want to talk" I say awkwardly. He nods and leads me to his room.

"So.." He mumbles awkwardly.

"Here happy birthday..." I say giving him his gift.

"Thanks. I thought you forgot" he admits.

He rips the wrapping paper off and his eyes widen.

"The limited edition Batman number 284 comic book!" He says excitedly. I chukle at his behavior.

"You like?" I ask. He puts the book down and hugs me.

"I love it...I love you..." He whispers. I freeze. He loves me? Do I love him?

"Umm. Okay...we need to talk about us." I say. He nods.

"I just want to say I'm sorry. No one is better than you Ali, you're the only one I want and the only one I need. I was so stupid to say anything like that." He pleads. I can see his eyes watering.

"Derek. I know that I may never be good enough for you... But, when we broke up it hurt me...I never felt like this before." I admit he smiles and takes my hand.

"Ali, if you give me another chance I promise I'll make you happy..." He pleads.

"It was my fault I was acting like a complete bitch" I reply.

"No, it was me. You were sick and there I was going on and on about my stupid ex. I don't want her I want you" he smiles and kisses my hand.

"Okay. Maybe we can try again but first I have to tell you something..." I gulp he nods and motions for me to continue.

"After we broke up I went to a party...I wanted to forget about you and the way you made me feel. So I started drinking a lot and got drunk. Mike carried me upstairs to a bedroom and Jarred was there. Jarred and I...we- you know" I admit shamefully.

"You had sex?" He asked surprised. I nod.

"I was drunk and I was hurting." I plead.

"I was hurt too but, I didn't go sleep with my ex!" He exclaims madly standing up.

"It was a mistake...I'm sorry..." I whisper a tears falling down my cheeks. Derek looks over at me.

"Oh, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry please don't cry!" He pleads hugging me tightly. I hug back and put my face in the crook of his neck.

"Can, we start over?" I sniffle.

"Yea. This time no one is coming between us."he promises and kissed my forehead.

"Are you mad about jarred?" I ask quietly. He huffs and stands up.

"Yea but, I can see that it was a mistake and won't happen again" he replies.

"It was and it'll never happen" I promise.

"Good now can I get a kiss?" He teases I smile and nod.

He leans in and kisses me passionately I kiss back with just as much passion. It feels the same as the first...magical.
We pull apart.

"I missed that..." I admit.

"Me too" he smiles and gives me a quick peck.

"Have you been sleeping?" I ask concerned at the dark circles under his eyes.

"No, I keep replaying our breakup when I do that I cry" he admits shyly.

"Well, how about I sleep over and we can get some sleep?" I suggest. He nods and hands me a oversized pajama shirt.

I walk to the bathroom and change quickly. I rake through my hair and fix my smudged makeup. Once I look acceptable well the shirt ends just below my butt so some what acceptable. I walk back to Derek he changed into some sweat pants and a 'BVB Army' shirt.

"" he smiles shyly and sits on his bed. I blush and walk over to him.

"Come on pretty boy, let's go to sleep." I tease and push him down on the bed I lay down and pull the covers over us.

"Hey I'm manly..." He yawns I chuckle.

"Yea okay..."I tease he flicks my forehead.

"I really missed you.." He says holding my hand.

"I know" I say cheeky.

"Way to ruin a romantic moment..." He mumbles.

"Ssh got to sleep" I whisper and run my hands through his hair.

He closes his eyes. I kiss his forehead and continue to run my fingers through his hair.

I'm happy we are getting back together maybe later we can go out and have some fun. It'd be nice to be with him again. I'm going to make sure we are together forever. That's what I want. He's what I want.

-Authors Note-
Hi! So they're back together yay!

But the drama hasn't ended yet.

I hope you liked this chapter.

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