Good Boy Gone Bad?

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(I dedicate this chapter to XxLalalover404xX for always being the first one to read and vote for this story thank u!)


We are still at the party drinking and having a good time.

"Body shots!" I guy yells I take Derek's hand and we go to the kitchen.

I get on the counter and lay down I put the lime in my mouth, the salt on my neck and the alcohol is in my belly button. Derek steps up. He takes the lime then licks off the salt which sends chills down my spine. Then the alcohol out of my belly button. I'd be lying if I didn't like it.

"We should get you home"I say grabbing Derek and pulling him out of the house.

We walk home well I walk home I have to support Derek because he is stumbling. I admit this has been a very good night and very fun too.
I open his door and guide him in then the I have the worst luck ever.

There stands Lola Derek's mom she doesn't look to happy her son is drunk and is just coming home at 3 in the morning.

"Why are you late?" She ask with a harsh tone.

"I got lost" I lied she squinted.

"Is he drunk?!" She ask walking over to him I nod she lays him on the couch and looks back at me.

"I'm so sorry-" I start but she stops me.

"Look I'm happy he has a friend. But I don't want this to be a everyday thing ya hear?" She states I smile and nod.

"I'm going to get home.." I say about to leave.

"No just stay here till daylight" she replies I nod and lay down in the recliner.

A few hours later I wake up hearing groaning. I look over and see Derek holding his head in his hands.

"Lookin' good" I joke he flips me off I fake gasp.

"What?" He asks confused.

"I thought you were a good boy" I reply with a chukle he scoots closer to me.

"I am." He defends I smirk.

"Looks like the Good Boys gone bad" I tease he shakes his head.

"Hey lets go to the library tomorrow" he suggest getting excited at the idea.

"And the good boy is back" I joke I put on my shoes and start to get ready.

"Where you going?" Derek asks standing up.

"I'm going to see smoke" I tell him he goes to put his shoes on but I stop him. "You need to rest stay here, I'll be back" I assure him he nods and waves goodbye.

I walk down the street heading to Smokes house I need to see her more after all she is my best friend. I walk in.

"Aye!" Smoke yells at me.

"Hey can I have some money?" I ask. I know I shouldn't be asking for money but I want to buy my adoptive mom a birthday present since today is her birthday.

"What for?" She ask raising an eyebrow.

"Pack of smokes" I lie I don't want her thinking I'm soft she sighs and gives me a 20 I think her and leave.

I head to the mall and begin to look around I look for a good two hours till I find Molly's favorite perfume 'Expression' is on sale for $15 I grab it and pay the lady. I decide to buy a little gift bag to put in. I put the bottle in the bag and walk home it is now 6:30pm I walk in and see the family sitting in the living room.

"Hey Molly happy birthday" I greet handing her the gift. She smiles and opens it.

"Oh thank you!" She says happily and hugs me. I am so lucky to have someone like this family most don't even have a family.

"Welcome. I gotta go change Ima hang out with Derek" I tell her she grins.

"He's a good influence on you" she smiles even wider. I ignore that comment and run up to my room.

I take out my black mesh backpack and pack some clothes so I can stay at Derek's I change out of my dress into purple skinny jeans and a black nirvana shirt. I put my converse on and run out the door.

"About time you get back!" Derek teases as I walk through the door.

"Oh hush." I smile.

"You staying the night?" He asks eying my bookbag. I nod. He grins.

"Your ma here?" I ask.

"Nope has to work till 4am" he replies I nod and light a cigarette Derek just stares at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing it's just I think you're to pretty to be smoking" he replies I blush, gosh dang it! Why does he say stuff like that? It makes me all gooey inside. I put out my cigarette.

"Why do you keep saying I'm pretty?" I mumble and pick at my nails.

"Because it's true." He states which makes me blush even more. "I also thank it's cute when you blush.." He admits I blush even more I probably look like a tomato.

What is up with this boy? When I first met him he was afraid of his own shadow now he's like a really good friend that makes me have butterflies everytime he's around...what is wrong with me?

-Authors Note-
Awe! I think Ali has a crush!!!!
What will happen next?
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