Hanging Out

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Today is Wednesday the start of fall break my friend smoke returns from vacation. But, I'm not hanging with her today me and Derek are going to a couple of book stores and then the skate park since Derek has never been to one. It is 10:00am and I am waiting on my front steps for Derek to show I turn and see him with a big grin.

"Ready to go?" He ask excitedly. I swear this dude eats just plain sugar for breakfast.

"So where are we going first?" I ask. He smiles and winks at me. Okay then...

"It's a awesome comic book store down on 2nd street." He informs me I roll my eyes he is such a nerd. But, it's cute. Okay I don't know where that came from?

We arrive at a store that has a big neon light sign that reads
'Cosmic Comics' we walk in and everyone turns there heads and looks at us I feel a little uncomfortable.

"Come on I'll show you my favourites" Derek says taking my hand.

We walk back to the superhero comics he grabs about 8 I see the walking dead comics and I have to have it I buy 6 and we leave.

"That place is awesome! Except for the staring" I squeale. He laughs.

"I'm glad you like it! To the skate park?" He asks nervously I nod.

We get there and I see my friend smoke sitting against a wall of course smoking I tap her shoulder. She jumps up and hugs me.

"Aye! How's my favourite bitch?" She laughs. I laugh at her.

"Not bad. I actually got a new friend. Meet Derek" I say introducing him. Smoke cowers away with disgust.

"Ha! You're friends with a nerd?!?" She bust out laughing. Derek looks hurt.

"He's better than you! At least he stands up for me!" I defend him she stops laughing.

"Aye! Don't get all defensive, relax. Let's hang." She says and leads us to a couple of benches. She offers me a cigarette and I take it.

"How was vacation?" I ask taking a drag.

"Eh, it was okay" She says with a shrug. "Aye, you two look like a match" she laughs. I blush and look away.

"Are you going to Evan Johnsons party Friday?" I ask. Changing the subject.

"Hell yea! You?" She ask I nod.

"Bought a new dress and everything" I inform her she nods and smirks at Derek.

"What about you geek?" She ask Derek.

"Umm..yea..Ali asked me to" he says awkwardly.

"Awe look at that Ali already has you whipped" she teases I roll my eyes and put out my cigarette.

"I like your tattoo" Derek compliments smokes tattoo it's just a heart with a knife through it its actually pretty cool.

"Thanks. I know a guy that does it for minors want one?" She ask Derek. His eyes widen and he looks at me I chuckle.

"My mom would kill me" he states. Smoke busts out laughing.

"You ain't bad for a nerd" smoke comments. "I like ya you can hang with us anytime" she says.

"Hey! Don't go stealing my buddy!" I say hugging Derek he hugs me back.

"I wouldn't dare! He's all yours chica" smoke smiles and puts out her cigarette.

"You'll always be my number one Ali" Derek says. I blush. Smoke raises an eyebrow.

"Thanks Derek" I smile.

"Well I gotta go lovebirds" smoke teases and leaves.

We decide to leave considering it's getting dark. We are walking to his place I would like to meet his mom. We walk into his apartment, I'm greeted by a black kitty.

"That's Milo" Derek says stroking the cat.

"He's cute" I comment. And pet the cats head.

"Just like you" Derek whispers. I don't think I was ment to hear it but it made me feel all bubbly inside.

Then a lady about in her late 30's walks in she has the same green eyes just like Derek.

"Oh hello. You must be Ali?" She ask I nod. She hugs me. She actually makes me feel comfortable. "I am Lola. Are you staying for dinner?" She ask.

"If that's alright?" I ask. She laughs and nods.

"We are having tacos" she informs us. She then walks back to the kitchen and sets the food in the dining room table.

We all sit down and began to eat. Derek's mom is an amazing cook!

"Umm...mom Ali invited me to this party on Friday can I go?" He asks hopeful she looks nervously at her son.

"Okay be home by midnight" she answers we both nod.

We finish dinner about an hour later and I said goodbye to Lola Derek and even milo.

I walk home and unlock the door. My family is at Linda's Liam's sister. She is such a snob. I don't see how she and Liam are related when Liam is layed back and calm where as Linda is the complete opposite.

I walk up to my room and take a shower. Once I'm done I brush my hair and get in my PJS and lay on my bed. My mind starts to think this past week has been awesome! Who knew a nerd could be fun....and cute...ah! Get that out of my head! I toss and turn but eventually fall asleep.

-Authors Note-
So you met Ali's best friend smoke! What do you think!?
You also met Derek's mom Lola.
I will update tomorrow!
Comment,vote,share with friends!
Pic is Ali's friend 'smoke'

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