You Care

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It is now December and let me say these past months have been awesome! Mainly because of my new friend.Derek. I'm just happier I'm actually getting better grades and he is spending Christmas break with me because his mom his going out of town. That is two whole weeks!

"Ali calm down" Derek chukles packing a bag for my house.

"I can't help it! I'm excited!" I defend he smiles and zips up his bag.

"Alright, what are we going to do for two whole weeks of no school?" He ask.

"We could go to some parties. Or I can show you my hideout at the junkyard" I suggest.

"Well since I am never drinking again. I choose the hideout" he replies I nod and take his hand and drag him out of his room.

"Oh I'm going to miss you!" Derek's mom gushes and kisses her son all over his face.

"Mom!" He groans getting embarrassed by her actions she apologizes.

"I baked cookies for your little brothers Ali" she tells me. I was going to correct her and say they're my adoptive brothers but, these are the holidays and I ain't a grouch.

We took the cookies picked up Derek's bags gave goodbye hugs to Lola and left. I'm a little nervous about Derek staying in my room that long my crush feels like it's going to swallow me whole. But I know he wouldn't feel the same he is a genius and a good person where I am broken and bad.

We arrive at my house and it is empty I found a note on the fridge:
We had an emergency in the family grandma Diana is very sick we will return on Monday you two behave!
                                Love, Molly

"Looks like we have the house to ourselves until Christmas" I shrug we walk up to my room.

"Where will I sleep?" Derek ask. I roll my eyes.

"Derek. We have slept in the same before" I remind him he laughs.

"Yea okay, but won't Molly mind?" He asks worried.

"No. She just wants me happy" I explain. He smirks and raises an eyebrow.

"I make you happy?" He asks smugly. I roll my eyes. The truth is yes he does but, of course I'm not going to tell him that.

"No you just amuse me" I reply just as smug. He covers his heart.

"That hurt Ali cat.." He says wiping a nonexistent tears from his cheek. I hit him with a pillow.

"You know you're my best friend" I smile and hug him. This boy is making me soft...

"Yep. I even made you a good girl" he gloats. I scoff and stand up.

"I am not good!" I yell in defense. He shrugs.

"Yes you are. You always have been you was just scared to show it" he states. I look at the ground. He's right I was always scared of being weak. I always act tough the truth is I'm scared.

"No-" I start.

"Ali look at me" he says lifting my chin so we are face to face.
"You're just scared. But it's okay you have me now" he smiles. I nod and hug him tightly.

"Thank you" I tell him.

"Alright enough of this lets listen to some music" he chukles I pull away and go to my stereo. I start to play Sleeping With Sirens. But Derek stops me and puts in some classical music.

"This is boring!" I whine. Derek scoffs.

"This is art!" He defends I laugh and turn it off.

"How about this?" I say playing 'If these sheets were the states' by All Time Low.

I start dancing and look over at Derek standing there awkwardly. I forgot he only loosens up when he's drinking I take his hands

"Come on loosen up!" I laugh he gives me a shy smile. I hate it when he's shy. I turn off the music.

"S-sorry" he says scratching his neck.

"Don't be. Just be yourself it's just you and me" I smile he takes my hand.

I lay my head on his shoulder and he puts his head on mine. I feel bad I'm glad I'm not like that.

"I want to be like you" he whispers to me I lift my head and look at him.

"No you don't. You're smart, kind and a really good person" I compliment he smiles gratefully.

"Well you're beautiful, outgoing and don't put up with anyone's crap" he admits. "So in my book you're better than me" he finishes. I blush and look away once my face is cooled down I look back at him.

"Let's work on those dance moves" I suggest he sighs but stands up and takes my hand.

We dance all night he stepped on my feet many time but I don't care he's a really good guy. I actually feel cared for by someone other than the family it feels good. I know smoke cares for me she just doesn't like to show it. So now I have to best friends that's alright with me.

-Authors Note-
Yay! It's almost Christmas time (In the book) and Derek gets to spend it with Ali.
Next chapter tomorrow:)
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