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It is Christmas Eve and we are decorating the house. The family came home really early this morning Molly made gingerbread cookies which was amazing. I do have to adimt I actually like being home usually I try to stay away as long as possible. Now, I actually have a connection with this family.

I am hanging ornaments on the Christmas tree with my little brothers and Derek. Molly is prepping for Christmas dinner this'll be my first in 3 years I usually spend Christmas partying I started young at 14 to be exact. I regret it now I feel like I know nothing about these people that openly took me in and I am finally realizing they love me. I mean I like them but, I'm still cautious with that word.

I saw Liam hang the mistletoe and kiss Molly's cheek. I have to admit they're a perfect couple. They're actually high school sweethearts they met in 10th grade and dated till they were 23 then they got married they tried to have children but with no luck when they were 28 they adopted me. Then out of nowhere Molly was pregnant with Alec then Nathan and lastly at 39 they had joey. I was told my mom was a teen mom and just left me next to a dumpster the police found me and put me in the orphanage. After my 7th birthday I was adopted and now here I am 10 years later.

"Ali cat!" Joey yells tugging at my hand. I crouch down to his level.

"Yea?" I ask

"I made you a gift!" He screams I laugh. He hands me a hand wrapped box.

"I can't open it. It's not Christmas yet" I smile with a confused look.

"I won't tell promise!" He whispers. I chukle and nod. I rip the paper open when. It's a small picture of a 12 year old me holding a baby joey. I almost cried.

"J-Joey, I love it." I smile. I don't know why I got so emotional. Well that day was a tough one.

When Joey was born he only weighed 3 pounds he was very small and his lungs wasn't working correctly. He was born right on time the doctors said it was just because of Molly's age. He had a 40% survival rate we were all sad even me and I was a brat at that age. But when he was 6 months old he got to come home and I got to hold him for the first time which is when this picture was taken I lost my copy years ago.

"Don't cry Ali cat" Joey whimpers and hugs my neck I hug the little boy.

"Hey why so sad?"Derek ask looking at me and Joey. I quickly wipe my eyes and stand up.

"It's nothing" I reply quickly I put the picture in the back pocket of my jeans.

"Okay all the decorations are done. Bed time for the little ones!" Molly exclaims walking into the living room.

"Come on mom!" Nathan whines.

"If you want Santa to come you best be off to bed" she warns Joey and Nathan both run upstairs. Alec just ignores her ugh he's going through those preteen years so he's a bit moody.

"Santa isn't real" he says meanly to his mom. For some reason I get mad at the way he's speaking.

"Okay so? You don't have to tell the little ones. Just go to bed" I defend Molly she smiles at me. Alec stands up.

"Shut up! You aren't even part of this family!" He yells and runs upstairs. Liam yells at him and runs after him. Ouch that hurt.

"Oh sweetheart...don't listen you're my daughter. My beautiful, smart and kind daughter" Molly tries to comfort me I give her a weak smile. She walks upstairs leaving just me and Derek in the the living room together.

"Are you okay?" Derek asks giving me a sympathetic look.

"Course." I reply quickly.

"I'm glad I'm spending Christmas with you" he says I smile.

"Me too but we better get to bed" I say standing up and taking his hand.

We go to walk upstairs but Derek pulls me back I look at him strangely. He looks up I follow his gaze there it is the Mistletoe hanging above our heads I blush and look away.

"They say its good luck" he whispers turning my head so I'm facing him.

"Yea..." I all I can get out. Gosh can I be more embarrassing?

"Well...do you wanna?" He ask scratching his neck I see his face go red. I nod we lean in.
I start to get nervous no I can't show I have feelings for him it's just a stupid crush.

When our lips are a centimeter apart I turn my head and he kisses my cheek. He opens his eyes I can't do this! I run upstairs and lay on my bed and cry. I don't know why? I guess my emotions are to much to handle.

No one has ever liked me before. Jarred told me he was just trying to get in my pants and he had many other girls he was cheating on me with he said I was worthless and no one will ever love me. That I'm only good for one thing....I don't want to wreck Derek's life he's a good person. I cant believe I'm doing this. Is Derek mad at me? Will he still be my friend? Maybe I want more of a friendship I don't know I'm just confused.

-Authors Note-
I liked this chapter!
You got to learn more about the family.
Joey is so cute^_^
Does Derek feel the same for Ali?
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