My Safe Place

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May! Yay! Only a couple more weeks till I see 'Bring Me The Horizon' I seriously can't wait everything has been so stressful this last few months.

My fake 'family' has not talked to me since the last time I saw them which I don't really care. I have a family now I've had it all along I was to blind to see it.

"Couple more weeks and we go to see the best band ever!!" I yell excitedly to Derek as we walk to his house after school.

"Yea but...ill miss school" he says frowning. I bust out laughing.

"You really are a nerd..." I laugh uncontrollably.

"Hey!" He says shoving me lightly.

"But you are my nerd.." I smile and kiss him quickly.

Soon enough we arrive at his place. His mom is pretty busy with work so every time we come here we are alone.

"I'll get the snacks you start up the PlayStation" Derek orders I smile and walk to his room.

First thing I think of is getting comfortable so I take a pair of his sweatpants and put them on.

I pull the cover off his bed and onto the floor so we can sit on it and play 'Call Of Duty' comfortably. I turn the PlayStation on and put the game in.

Soon after Derek walks in with popcorn, sour patch kids, dr. pepper, and some Doritos. Like I always said 'Breakfast of champions'.

"You're going down!" Derek smirks I laugh.

"You wish pretty boy" I smirk and eat some sour patch kids.

"You notice I got all your favorite foods?" He asks wearing that stupid smirk of his.

"Yea it's a bit creepy you know all this" I giggle.

"I just know my girl"he replies.

"Okay...what's my favourite chocolate bar?" I ask smugly. He rolls his eyes.

"Easy. Butterfinger" he replies confidently.

"Hush!" I defend weakly.

"Told you..." He mocks I shove him.

"Well I know your favourite writer..." I smirk. He turns to me with an amused grin.

"Really?" He asks I nod.

"Edger Allen Poe" I reply. He looks shocked.

"Okay okay, what's my favourite work by him?" He asks smugly crossing his arms over his chest.

"The Raven" I reply simply.

"Shut it" he replies and eats some popcorn.

"Can I spend the night?" I ask. He looks at me strangely.

"Considering you've spent the night multiple times...sure" he says in a amused tone.

"It doesn't hurt to ask" I shrug.

"You never have to ask" he rolls his eyes.

"What do you want to be when you get older?" I ask changing the subject. I've been wandering here lately. Derek is so smart he could be anything and have anyone he wants.

"I'd like to be either a comic book designer or a video game designer" he replies.

"Can you draw?" I ask shocked at his answer. I thought he'd want to be a rocket scientist or a astronaut.

He pulls out his sketch book that is really thick. He hands it to me I slowly open it and take in every drawing. About the twelfth page in I saw a drawing of what looks like to be me...

"Look at you creeper!" I teases showing him the drawing.

"Would you rather it be another girl?" He asks smartly.

"Touché" I say with a playfulness glare.

"What do ya think?" He asks nervously.

"They're awesome!" I admit. These are really good he's so talented.

"Well I'm glad you like them." He replies taking the book from my hands and putting it away.

"Let's play the game" I smile we look back at the TV and start to play.

I never thought I'd have a future...well not a bright one anyways. I can now see it. I want to have a family of my own. I want to be a X-Ray technician. That's what I want. I want to be with Derek forever because I love him...

-Authors Note-
Short chapter!

The end is near!
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