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After Derek dropped me off last night I went straight to bed with a happy grin on my face.

I woke up the next morning to Joey shaking me awake.

"Ali cat! Someone's waiting for you!" He screams.

"Okay....five more minutes" I mumble.

"No! You have to come! Then we can play!!" He yells tugging at the covers.

"Fine, is it Derek?" I ask standing up and fixing my messy hair.

"No...some creepy lady" he replies looking at my hair.

"Okay..." I say unsure.

I walk downstairs in my pyjama shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I hear joeys tiny footsteps right behind me.

Once I reach the living room I see Molly and Liam with some blonde haired lady smoking a cigarette.

"Ali, come sit" Molly smiles and ushers me to sit by her.

"Hey, I'm Jessie" the lady smiles a sickly smile showing her nasty yellow teeth.

"Um. Hi. What's up?" I ask confused.

"Well, this is your birth mom" Molly smiles a sad smile.

"Oh..." I say shocked the lady smirks at me.

"You look just like ya daddy" she says. Taking another drag off the cigarette.

"Sweetheart, she wanted to meet you" Liam says taking my hand.

"Well it was nice meeting you...bye" I wave fixing to leave but Donna or should I say my "mom" stops me.

"Wait up. You need to meet your real family" she says grabbing my arm.

"I already know my real family: Liam, Molly, Alec, Nathen and joey" I reply. I see Molly give a proud smile. And Liam with a soft smirk.

"I ment your biological family" she smiles.

"Sorry they didn't want me" I snap.

"Your dad did. I just didn't" she smirks I turn to her.

"My dad wanted me?" I ask surprised and hopeful.

"Yep. We are still married even had another girl. So you're a sister..." She replies.

"Why'd you give me up?" I ask surprised.

"Never wanted kids" she shrugs.

"Not even your second daughter?" I ask.

"Hell no, but Clint insisted" she says rolling her eyes.

"How old is she? What's she like?" I asks interested.

"Her names Rosie she's 7 and looks just like ya. Except of course no dyed hair. Plain brown" she says uninterested.

"Could I meet Clint and Rosie?" I ask hopeful.

"Fine. How about next Friday?" She says I nod.

"Okay you all can come over for dinner" Molly says stepping in.

"As long as it's free. I don't care" Jessie says picking up her purse and heading to the door.

"Remember Friday at 5" I say she nods and rolls her eyes then leaves.

I walk back to Molly and Liam and see them looking very sad which confuses me.

"So...are you going to stay with them?" Molly ask with tears in her eyes.

"What? Molly, no you are my family." I say hugging her then Liam.

"You'll always be my princess" Liam whispers in my ear.

"I'm gonna go see my brothers" I smile and give them a assuring smile.

I run upstairs and up to Joey's room. Nathen and Alec are playing some video game.

"Hey buddy" I smile walking over to where he is hugging his favourite teddy bear.

"Ali cat, are you leaving us?" He asks. For a 5 year old he is very attentive.

"Of course not. I could never leave my buddy" I smile messing up his dark hair.

Alec and Nathen run in looking quite upset.

"Please don't leave Ali cat!" Nathen yells running up and hugging me.

"Were you all listening the whole time?" I ask shocked.

"Yea, look Ali I'm sorry for being rude to you! Please don't leave! You're the best big sis ever!" Alec yells hugging me for the first time in a long time.

"Guys listen to me. I will never leave you. You are my family" I assure smiling at the three boys.

"I heard you have a sister" Alec smiles.

"Yea Jessie said she is seven and her name is Rosie. I can't wait to meet her..." I admit.

"Look I'm 13 and I'm growing up I want to know everything. I want us to be closer" Alec admits tears in his eyes. We all sit on the carpeted floors of Joey's room.

"Look, you guys are the best brothers I could ask for. You are really important to me" I admit.

Joey climbs in my lap and looks at the blank tv. Then I get an idea for a perfect day.

"Hey let's have a movie day. Just us kids" I smile they all nod.

"Let's watch lion king!" Nathen yells.

"Okay after finding nemo!" Joey yells in the cutest voice ever.

"Then toy story!" Alec yells revealing his favourite Disney movie.

"Awe. No dumbo?" I ask pretending to be sad.

"Don't be sad we can watch dumbo!" Nathen yells hugging me tightly.

"Alec and Nathen get the snacks. Joey get blankets and I'll set up the movies" I instruct they all run off in different directions.

Boy do I have a lot to tell Derek. I'm very nervous of meeting my dad and baby sister what if they don't like me?

-Authors Note-
How was that?

Awe Ali had a day with her baby brothers!

Her dad wanted her and she has a little sister!

I love feedback please comment.

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