Bad Girl Good Boy

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Today is the day! We are leaving for the concert now and I know it'll be a great weekend!
I seriously can't wait!

"Alright all packed" Derek says closing the trunk to his car.

I turn to my family they are want to see us off.

"You two behave..." Mom smiles and hugs me. I hug back and smell her hair that smells of strawberries that sent just comforts me now.

"Here" dad says handing me a hundred dollar bill.

"Thanks dad" I smile and hug him.

"Don't forget us!" Alec smiles brightly.

"Never" I reply. I hug Alec first.

"Watch them boys while I'm gone" I say sternly. Next is Nathen.

"I made you a picture" he says shyly handing me a picture of a stick man family with each of our name above the heads even Derek and his mom are drawn.

"It's beautiful" I reply folding it ups and placing it in my back pocket. Next is my little buddy: Joey.

"I'll miss you Ali cat..." He whimpers. I hug him and kiss him quickly.

"How about this? When I get back we will all go to the park and play as long as you want." I suggest his eyes widen and he nods excitedly.

"You act like she'll be gone forever...just the weekend remember?" Derek teases.

He is saying that now but earlier we were at his place packing him a bag it took him and his mom an hour to let go of each other.

I hug each person once more and climb into the passenger seat. Derek soon joins me and starts the car.

Now we are off on our first of many adventures. I am so happy, I have the perfect life.

But still can't help to think:
Why didn't Clint and Rosie show up? Were they tricking me.

"Hey I love you..." Derek says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I love you too" I reply.

-Authors Note-
So thank you all for the support one more chapter after this and then it's completed!

So would any of you be interested in a sequel if so comment your answer!

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