Life Is Tough, Suck It Up

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It is late January. 3 days from my birthday. I'm not really that excited, even though my parents did leave me I would really like to know who she and my father are.

I am in science now and it is so boring sadly I only have 3 classes with Derek and this isn't one. It's weird how much I've come to care so much for him.

"Homework this weekend is a 450 words essay about ecosystems" my teacher Mr. Chandler instructs.

The bell ring and I leave the class room. I go to my locker and get some books out while I'm looking for my math book I feel someone take my free hand. I look and see Derek with a bright smile he kisses my cheek and carries my books. Such a gentleman.

"Awe! The two losers are dating!" I hear Kayla the schools popular girl.

Kayla is really rich her dad owns two car lots and a clothing store both are super expensive they even have a car lot in another state!

"Better than being a slut" I snap back she stands in front of me and keeps eyeing Derek.

"You'd know plenty about that..." She teases me. The worst part about jarred cheating on me with her and many other sluts.

"I'm not a slut.." I state. Derek tries to pull me past her but her friends walk up including her boy toy jack he's a total bully.

"Babe why are you talking to these geeks?" Jack asks wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Just telling them the hard truth" she states in a fake sweet voice.

"Look we're leaving" I snap and go to leave jack grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Don't touch her!" Derek snaps and pushes jack back.

"I'll do more than that if I want to" jack smirks I almost puke at the thought.

Derek starts to go closer and closer to jack I've never seen him like this he's seriously angry but I can see fear in his eyes before he gets to close I pull him back.

"Come on, they may have something contagious" Kayla laughs her and her little 'crew'
Walk away.

I again take Derek's hand but he pulls away angrily, I try again but he still pulls away.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm tired of drama" he admits. These past few weeks Kayla and her friends have non stop causing unnecessary drama.

"Derek I'm sorry." I apologise. He huffs.

"I'm gonna...go home" he tells me.

"I thought we were going to see a movie" I frown he shrugs.

"I just-I hate bullies!" He yells getting fustrated.

"Me too, but we need to stay strong" I say taking his hand and bringing him to sit with me on a near by bench.

"It's hard.." He replies.

"You've been bullied your whole're so strong Derek.." I whisper.

"Not as strong as you.." He replies taking both of my hands I roll my eyes.

"No, I am not strong...its just an act.." I admit. It's true I've never been I always wanted to be...but the truth is I'm scared. The only person I know I can trust is Derek.

"Ali, you make me happy" he chuckles and kisses me gently on the lips.

"You make me happy too" I smile and climb onto his lap.

"Hey,want to have a movie night this weekend?" He asks.

"Uh yea! But no Rom-Com movies!" I demand he shrugs.

"Hey they aren't that bad." He defends I scoff.

"Says you! You have no taste" I reply.

"Well, what do you want to watch?" He asks smirking.

"Hmm. Maybe American Sniper?" I suggest.

"Yea okay." He agrees.

"You buy the food!" I instruct.

"What am I your slave?" He mocks I stick out my tongue.

"Well you're my boyfriend...close enough" I laugh he playfully shoved me off of his lap.

"Awe! Look at the lovebirds!" I hear smokes voice behind us. I stand up and sit back down.

"Hey where is your boyfriend?" I ask. She rolls her eyes and lights a cigarette she takes a drag and passes it to me.

I've been trying to quit and with the help of Derek I only have four a week I use to have a whole pack.

"Broke up. He's a man whore" she says shrugging and taking another drag of the cigarette.

"I told you.." I say in a sing song voice she shoves my shoulder.

"Hey I'm solo!" She defends.

"How do you like those things?" Derek asks referring to the cigarette.

"It's my life!" Smoke says dramatically. We all chuckle.

"Derek and I are having a movie night you should come" I say inviting her.

"I might. But I don't want to see any lovey dovey shit" she responds.

"Oh I will try to control myself!" Derek teases smoke flicks his forehead.

"Hey, you guys come to the skatepark tomorrow" she replies, stands up waves and walks off.

"You have weird friends.." Derek comments I slap his arm.

"At least I introduced you to my friends..." I say pouting.

"Okay, I'll invite some of my friends to the movie night you can meet them then."he promises.

"Fine. Let's go get things ready" I say standing up and taking his hand we start to walk to his house.

I hope his friends like me Smoke likes him she still calls him geek but she hasn't punched him yet so that's a good sign.

Smoke and I have been friends forever. She has always been there for me. I love her and will never give up on her.

-Authors Note-
Thank you for reading!
Do you like Ali's friend Smoke?
Next chapter you will meet Derek's friends he only has three.
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