Trick or Treat

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It is Thursday October 31st which means it is Halloween, I actually enjoy it mostly because the candy. I know it's childish but I absolutely love candy!
I am taking joey to the fall festival while Molly and Liam take Alec and Nathen trick or treating. They think joey is to young for that so to the fall festival we go! Joey is so cute! He is dressed up as the country legend johnny cash.

I pick him up and carry him so I won't lose him in the crowd. We walk in and start to play games like the cake walk we actually won a chocolate cake. We keep walking as joey gets candy and compliments on his costume.

"Hey Ali! Glad you came" Derek smiles walking up to me I smile.

"Yea. Little joey here wanted to come" I reply.

"Ali cat! I want to see Miss Olivia!" Joey yells pointing to his kindergarten teacher I walk over and sit him down to play.

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel!" Derek yells taking my hand and dragging me to the ride.

We get on. The thing is I am very afraid of heights! I am so scared I am holding on to the bar so tightly my knuckles are turning white.

"Ali relax" Derek laughs and takes my hand. "Is the tough girl Ali scared of heights?" He teases I scoff.

"What? I'm not scared of anything" I reply the ride jerks and I hide my face into his shoulder.

"It's okay Ali. I got you" he says putting an arm around my waist it feels a bit awkward but I'm scared so I really don't care.

We finally get off. We decide to get some food. We go to concessions Derek buys us both hamburgers and milkshakes.

"Thanks for hanging out with me" Derek says sipping his shake.

"Derek you don't need to thank me we are friends we can hang out anytime" I reply. His eyes widen and he nods.

"Hey can I call you Ali cat?" He asks laughing I roll my eyes.

"Whatever tickles your peach" I reply he smiles and throws away his trash.

"I'm excited to go to my first party tomorrow" he tells me.

"Yea you're kinda like a party virgin" I chilled he rolls his eyes and flicks my
forehead."Ow!" I exclaim. And flick him back.

"Hey want a stuffed animal?" He asks me I smile and nod.

We go over to the water gun tent where if you shoot the water in this tiny hole and fill the balloon all the way up you win. I have never seen anyone win this game it's a total scam.

Derek gives the man a dollar and aims he actually gets it and starts to fill it up, then it fills all the way and pops. "Winner!" The guy says and hands him a blue teddy bear.

"There you go" he says giving me the bear I hug it.

"I didn't think you'd win" I admitted he smirked. I see a picture booth and pull Derek in I put the filler in and it starts.

I kiss his cheek in the first the second we stick our tongues out. The third Derek kisses my cheek. The last we just smile.
We both get copies of the pictures and head over to get joey.

"I had fun" I tell Derek and hug him we have become so close this past week. He is a really cool guy.

"Me too. I'll see you tomorrow say 8:00pm for the party?" He ask nervously.

"Don't be nervous. It'll be fun" I assure him he nods and leaves.

Pick up joey and say goodbye to miss Olivia. We are now walking home. Joey has a lot of candy maybe I can persuade him to give me some.

"Little know you're my favourite brother right?" I ask sweetly he smiles and nods.
"Can Ali cat have some candy?" I ask with a pout.

"Yes!" He replies and gives me a handful. I decide to hang out with him for a little in my room since Molly and Liam are still out with Alec and Nathen.

"Did you have a good time with Olivia?" I ask him he nods and licks his lollipop.

"Is Derek your boyfriend?" He ask confused. I almost choke on the jawbreaker I was eating.

"No, we're just friends." I reply calmly he smirks oh no I don't like that look in his eyes.

He jumps on me and starts tickling me I bust out laughing and breathing heavily. Finally he stops and I start to tickle him. He laughs. He such a cutie. I'm glad I actually took the time to hang out with him I actually feel like he is my little brother now.

About midnight everyone returns joey and I decide to just sleep in my bed. For a 5 year old boy he is really smart.

-Authors Note-
Awe! Ali and Joey bonded!
Looks like Ali and Derek are getting closer!
Next chapter will be the party!
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