Meeting The Family

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-Derek's POV-

Ali woke up a little while later looking a lot better and refused to go to the hospital.

It is now late in the afternoon and we are sitting in my living room.

"Ali, my family is coming to town today...I want you to meet them..." I say handing her a glass of water.

"Umm...are you sure?" She asks fearful. I roll my eyes.

"Of course I want to show you off" I reply cheekily.

"I look like shit" she whispers I laugh.

"You do!" I laugh at her. She glares at me.

"You're suppose to lie and say I look fine!" She says trying to hide a smile.

"Alright scared me last night..." I admit taking her clammy hand.

"I don't know what happened..." She whispers playing with the couch pillows on my couch.

"You know you look cute in my clothes" I say trying to lighten the mood. She looks away clearly blushing. She's wearing some of my sweatpants which are really baggy on her and my batman shirt.

"Well...they're mine now!" She says sniffing them and closing her eyes with a deep smile.

"So, my family." I say serious.

"Who all is comin?" She ask nervously. Chewing her nails.

"Grandparents, aunts, cousins, uncles, nieces nephews" I name off.

" many people?" She gulps.

"I'd say...eleven twelve maybe" I reply shrugging.

"Are they coming here?" She ask.

"No way. We're going to grandmas house since its bigger...three stories" I say.

"Three stories? That's huge!" She says excitedly.

"Yea we leave at 5" I smile she jumps up completely shocking me.

"It's 4:00!" She yells and starts to pull on her shoes.

"Where you going?" I ask. She grunts.

"To get ready! You dweeb!" She yells smirking at me and kissing me gently.

"You look perfect" I smile. She gives me a bored look.

"Stop lying. You know I don't like that mushy shit..." She smiles.

"Yea yea..." I mumble and put on my shoes.

"Hurry up!" She yells running out to my car.

-Later on-

We pull up to my grandmas place with Ali looking perfect as ever.

She chose a simple, flowery conservative dress. Which is weird she never dresses like this. I like it though.

" I look alright?" She asks fixing her hair for the millionth time.

"You look fine baby.." I whisper giving her a peck on her cheek. We both get out.

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