I...Love You

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-Next Day-

It is 5:30pm Clint and Rosie are going to arrive any moment. I decided to make dinner tonight.

So we are having mashed potatoes, green beans and steak of course I made Mac and cheese with chicken nuggets for the kids...including me...

"Ali cat!" Joey runs and hugs my legs.

"Hey Joey, wanna help?" I ask he nods quickly.

"Okay get Nathen and Alec to help set the table please" I order he nods and runs off.

I head upstairs to the bathroom and look at my appearance. I quickly brush through my hair and put it in a ponytail. I wash my hands for like the billionth time today. I hear a knock at the door and rush to answer it.
I open it and there stands Derek with a bouquet of daisies. I let him in.

"Here for you" he smiles handing me the flowers I smile and look away clearly blushing.

"Thanks Derek" I mumble.

"So need help?" He asks.

"Yeah, go get the drinks out of the fridge and get cups for everyone" I instruct he nods and walks away.

A couple of minutes later everything is set up. I put the flowers in a vase in the middle of the table. I really want to impress them. Everyone is sitting in their seats me on edge and holding Derek's hand under the table.

We sat there for atleast two hours...more like I sat there for an hour waiting for them everyone else left and went to the living room.

"Babe I don't think they're coming" Derek whispers in my ear. I sniff and feel a tear roll down my cheek.

I pull away from him and run upstairs to my room. I immediately plop down on bed and start crying into my pillow.

"Ali, ssh it's okay" Derek whispers holding me tightly in his arms. I wrap my arms around his torso tightly.

"W-hy?" I stutter.

"Forget about them they don't deserve you" he whispers into my ear and kisses my neck gently.

"I-I t-hought, we could be a f-family" I sniffle.

"You have a family, and they're probably outside your door right now worried sick" he replies. I sit up and look at him in the eyes.

"Derek, you mean everything to me..."I admit not dare looking away. I see the blush rise to his cheeks.

"Ali, you're my everything" he replies sweetly I roll my eyes.

"You are so cheesy..." I chuckle.

"You always ruin romantic moment" he groans which makes me smile.

"You always make me feel better" I reply grabbing a tissue.

"That's my job" he smiles and kisses my forehead.

"So looks like I'm free tonight..." I mutter.

"Hey, you have your true family downstairs how about a movie night with them?" He suggest.

"You're right" I smile and stand up.

"Always am" he replies getting up after me.

I walk to the full length mirror and start to fix my messed up makeup. Derek comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. I look at his reflection. I realize something. Something I thought didn't exist...love

"Derek..." I say unsure.

"Hmm?" He says raising an eyebrow.

"I...love you" I say confidently.

He backs up and is in shock. He takes my hands into his.

"Ali-you've never told me that before..."he says surprised. I chuckle.

"I do. I love you Derek" I repeat. I can see the happiness in his eyes.

"I love you so much Ali" he replies resting his forehead on mine. I steal a quick kiss.

"Ali cat!!" I hear joey outside my bedroom door.

I step away form Derek and open the door to see Joey, Nathen and Alec all with sad eyes. I let them in. We all sit on the floor.

"Ali cat...we love you" Nathan smiles and hugs me. I hug him back.

"Yea, we're your family and we love you. That's all that matters" Alec agrees and gives me a quick and awkward hug. Next I look at little Joey who has a really sad look in his eyes.

"Never leave me Ali cat..." He whispers with tears streaming down his face.

"Never" I promise taking him into my lap.

I hear a small knock at the door then see Liam poke his head in. Liam comes in followed by a sad Molly. I put Joey down and stand up.

All I do is hug Liam I hug him so tightly and cry. I hate this feeling the feeling of rejection is such a bitter feeling. Why did I have to find them? I was perfectly happy before.

"It's okay sweetheart" Liam coos and kisses the top of my head. I pull away.

I directly hug Molly. She's been so wonderful to me all these years she is such a perfect woman.

"We will always be here for you" she whispers I pull away.

"Can-can I call you mom and dad?" I stutter feeling extremely awkward.

"Of course!" Molly exclaims happily. I giggle and give them another hug.

"Let's go watch some movies" I smile. The boys all run past me Derek gives my hand a tight squeeze then follows the boys.

"Mom, Dad..." I say awkwardly
"I-I love you..." I admit. I hear Molly gasp she hugs me again. I see Liam-dad wipe his eyes.

"Let's go before the boys break something" I joke we all walk out and downstairs to the living room.

This is good. This is my family. I love them, heck I love Derek I've never loved before...

Now I understand why everyone wants love...it's beautiful.

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