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It is now late February. I haven't spoken to Derek since our break up. He has tried everything to get me to talk but I refuse. I thought he was different.

Today I am ditching school,
All I have to do is go to homeroom then leave. Why am I ditching? Mainly because I'm tired of hearing Derek's constant apologies and his little brat livia giggling like the airhead she is. Sadly she is going to school with us now.

"You can't skip again..." Says Lucy.

We have become really close these past few weeks. Smoke is now in jail for robbing a liquor store. So I can say Lucy is my rock, she is such a sweet girl.

"I don't care about school" I reply turning away. She grabs my arm.

"Please. I want you to stay..." She begs giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine...but, if I hear livia giggle one more time I'll snap!" I threaten.

"You know I don't think you're over Derek..." She whispers.

"It doesn't matter" I reply mad at the mention of his name.

"Oh come on! You love him!" She yells.

"Stop!" I warn.

"No! Ali you're lost without him and he's the same way. You're both broken without the other!" She says.

"Lucy-" I start.

"No! Listen, I know you're hurt. I know you're not use to being the vulnerable one, but it's okay let it all out..." She says quickly.

I tear up. She's right I miss him I can't get him off my mind he's all I ever wanted. I'm broken without him. I've never felt this before...

I run to the girls bathroom. We got to school ten minutes early so no one is around. I hear Lucy run after me. I sit in the corner and start to cry,cry I never cry...

"It's okay Ali, we'll fix this..." She coos in my ear.

"He doesn't want me..." I sniffle. Wiping away tears.

"Aw. Of course he does, he loves you" she replies stroking my hair gently.

"I-I don't believe in love..." I mumble.

"I hate to break it to you but, honey you're in love" she says sweetly.

I don't reply I just sit and stare at my hands not knowing what to say or do next.

"Okay...we will ditch...but only this time..." She says sternly. She helps me stand.

"Can we go to your place?" I ask fixing my makeup in the mirror.

"Yep. And we will be normal teenage girls. Eating ice cream, watching sappy movies and talking about hot celebrities" she jokes.

"Oh, school sounds so much better..." I tease she shoves my shoulder.

We go to home room then sneak out in first period. We walk to her place which is a long ways, and is in the rich part of town. I've never seen so many Mustangs in my life.

We finally arrive to a pastel yellow three story house. We walk up the porch step and I am in awe this place is beautiful.

"Come meet my mom and little brothers" Lucy says smiling at my reaction.

We walk into what I assume is the living room. I see a woman in her mid-thirties atleast with bright green eyes. She holds about I'd say a one year old adorable baby boy. While another little boy about three with bright blonde hair plays with Legos.

"Mom, meet Ali" Lucy says introducing me to her mother they look just alike. Blonde hair and bright green eyes.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Laura. Sorry to be rude but aren't you two suppose to be in school?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, but Ali just went through a breakup..." Lucy whispers. Her mom sighs.

"Well, only this one time got it?" She says sternly. We nod our heads.

"Meet my brothers the little one is Kelin. And the other is Gaven" she introduces. And takes Kelin from her mom.

Gaven runs up to me and holds up a toy car.

"Vroom vroom!" He yells running around me I laugh.

Lucy gives Kelin back to her mother. We grab some snacks and head up to her room.

We arrive and let me say...her room makes mine look like crap. It is painted a pale pink
with dark soft white carpet. A flat screen tv on the wall a DVD collection with probably over a 1000 DVDs. A huge brown bookshelf filled with pictures, trophies and a few books. Her bed is huge probably a king size it had a nice pink floral pattern to it.

"Your room is amazing..." I compliment.

"It's okay." She shrugs.

"I love it." I smile.

"I thought flowers and pink aren't your style" she smirks.

"It isn't I mean this is nice for...a girly girl..." I mumble she chukles and hands me a bag of my favorite chips: Cheetos.

"So...Derek?" She smiles. I still blush at his name.

"He just- I really liked him. He was different...in a good way." I admit eating some chips.

"Does he really want to be with livia?" She ask with a disgusted look on her face.

"Well...he said she's better than me so...yea" I reply.

"No, he said that when he was mad." She corrects. I roll my eyes.

"How do you know he doesn't mean it?" I challenge.

"Because he told me so" she smiles proudly. My eyes widen.

"You talked to him?" I asked surprised.

"Well yea. I was gonna rip his head off for hurting you but, he told me how he was sorry and didn't mean anything he said he was just mad...and that he loves you..." She defends.

I'm shocked. He...loves me?
Why would anyone love a wreck like me? Maybe he was just lying...yea that's it...

-Authors Note-
Okay so you got to know more about Lucy which is good because Ali really needed a friend.

Will Derek and Ali get back together any time soon?

You'll just have to wait and see ;)

Oh yea please read at the quotes I put up on each chapter I think they're quite clever and might make you smile...

Love u!
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