I'm Weak...

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"Look at you. Pathetic" Jarred scowls. I cower away from him.

"Leave me alone!" I say scared out of my mind.

"You're scared!" He laughs.

I scoot further away.

"The Ali I knew was never scared" he states in an amused tone.

"W-well I'm different now" I mumble. He smirks and comes closer.

"Yea right. You're no different" he replies. I cower back as he gets closer.

Then he unlocks the door I go to run out but he stops me by punching me in the stomach. I fall to the ground.

"Now let's be together" he says dangerously. I can't believe I actually liked this guy. I want Derek!

"No! I want Derek!" I scream in his face. He slaps me.

"He doesn't want you!" He yelled back and kissed me roughly I try to pull away but he keeps pulling me back to him.

I hear the door bang open. Finally Jarred lets go of me, I then see a very angry Derek at the door.

"Derek he forced me!" I plead standing up and taking his hand.

"We will talk later" he tells me I frown but nod.

"Oh like hell! I want her back, she's mine!" Jarred yells getting in Derek's face.

"All my life I've been picked on by people like you. Then I met Ali, she makes me confident and strong and I'm not letting her go." Derek replies.

"You don't get it...she's using you" jarred mocks.

"No I'm not!" I yell.

"Just leave us alone." Derek speaks up.

"Or what you gonna tell on me?" Jarred mocks.

"Ali we're going" Derek says taking my hand and leading us to the door. Jarred pulls my arm back.

"She's staying with me.." He says angrily. Him and Derek are chest to chest now.

I can see the fear in Derek's eyes. All this trouble I cause him. I'm ruining him...aren't I? I am he would have never come if it wasn't for me.

All of a sudden jarred punches Derek and he falls to the floor. Jarred is continually punching his face. I kneel next to them I see Derek's nose and lip are busted.

"JARRED!! STOP!" I yell trying to pry him off of my boyfriend.

Jarred keeps punching until I see Derek pass out. Jarred stops, gets up and comes towards me.

"You will learn you are mine" he whispers in a dangerous tone.

He then leaves the room. I scoot closer to a unconscious Derek, I put his head on my lap and start to brush the hair out of his place.

"Please, please wake up..." I whisper and kiss his forehead. He stirs in his sleep and his eyes flutter open.

"Uh my head hurts.." He groans. I chukle and help him to sit on the bed.

"I'm so sorry" I whisper and grip his hand.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who couldn't defend you" he replies.

"Derek you don't have to be some tough guy to impress me..." I reply laying my head on his shoulder. He shrugs me off and stands up.

"Yea but I'm a wuss, I can't protect you like a boyfriend is suppose to do.." He says pacing around the room.

"I promise I don't need protecting" I assure he huffs and sits back down next to me.

"I will protect you, I don't want anyone taking you away from me" he whispers and Kisses my cheek.

"No one will...I'm yours Derek" I assure him he nods.

We decide to head back to my place, I hate drama and I know it truly is my fault all this started I should've texted smoke and asked if jarred was there. I could have avoided this whole situation.

We go up to my room and since its late Derek stats over. He takes off his pants and shoes. I dress into my fuzzy pyjama pants and a tank top. I climb into bed next to Derek he puts his arm around my waist.

"Derek I'm sorry my life is such drama" I whisper.

"Hey, you're worth it" he replies and kisses my temple.

"You're so sweet" I yawn.

"No I'm not! I'm a manly man!" He replies. I laugh.

"Alright, whatever you say..." I chuckle. He rubs my back and I start to drift to sleep.

"Night Ali" Derek whispers in my ear.

"Night sweetie" I tease I hear him huff.

My eyes close and I fall to sleep in the arms of my awesome boyfriend. I'm so happy I met Derek he's perfect. But, I think he's way to good for me he deserves someone who is just as sweet, smart and talented as he is. I know I'm not any of those things but one things for sure...one day I will be.

-Authors Note-
Hey y'all!
Here's the update sorry it's late it's just my best friend was here for fall break. And I wanted to spend time with her.
Anyways, I hope you liked it.
Derek is so sweet!!
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