Perfect Date

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It is the day before New Years. Derek wants to take me on a date. I hope it's nothing fancy I hate dressing up.

Usually I go to parties on Bew Years Eve and then end up kissing random strangers when the clock strikes midnight. But not tonight I'm spending it with my boyfriend. That still sounds weird but a good weird.

It is 8:30 at night and Derek is picking me up at 9. I actually look pretty good my dyed red hair is in perfect waves I'm wearing a black short skirt with tights underneath. A light purple tank top with a thin see through shirt, my purple pair of converse and to top it all off my leather jacket I got for Christmas. I sprayed some perfume and rubbed my hair through my hair one last tim. This is my first official date. Jarred just took me to parties so they don't count.

I walk downstairs and in to the living room to watch tv while I wait for Derek. The door bell rings and I answer it. There stands a very nervous Derek with a bouquet of flowers, daisies, which happens to be my favourite flower.

"Thank you." I say and put the flowers in a vase.

"I thought we could get some ice cream and have a movie night" he suggest.

"Yea that'd be fun" I reply. Thank god it's not a fancy dinner thing those are so cliché.

We head out the door and to the grocery store to get snacks. I can actually feel the nervousness from Derek. So I take his hand and attempt to calm him.

"What kind do you want?" I ask him looking at the freezer where the ice cream is.

"Strawberry" he answers grabbing his I grab rocky road. Let's face it Rock Road ice cream is LIFE.

We also grab some sodas and head to the check out counter I offer to pay but Derek beats me to it we walk to his apartment. We go into his room I take off my shoes. He puts in 'White House Down' and we cover up under a big blanket. I scoot closer to him.

"You know I'm not going to hurt you." Derek says out of nowhere. I lift up and look at him.

"I just. I've been told that before and it turned out to be a lie" I admit.

"Ali, you know I am no liar" he smiles I smile and nod.

"I just want to be cautious" I reply. He turns off the TV.

"Tell me about your last relationship" he whispers I take a breathe.

"His name was jarred. He started out all sweet and simple like you. But, after a while he started to get really angry at me. He kept pushing me into things I wasn't comfortable with. He just- he was a bad person" I state tearing up.

"Hey, I'm not him. I never will be" he assures me. He brings me to his chest.

"I'm not use to crying..." I chuckle.

"You may act tough but I know you're hurt" he replies. I look up at him.

How did I get here? A smart, sweet, simple guy is interested in me? He's just to great. I lean forward and give him a sweet simple kiss.

"I'll never hurt you. I'll show you" he says I nod and put my forehead on his.

"I'm having a good time" I admit changing the subject.

"You should be you're with me" he replies smugly. I playfully punch his arm.

"Ha ha. I like my family" I say laying back down next to him.

"You should they're your family" he says smartly. I roll my eyes.

"Well duh. It's just I've never actually spent time with them before I met you." I say.

"See I just fix everything" he replies proudly. I roll my eyes again they're probably gonna fall out of my head.

"Have you always been this cocky?" I ask.

"No. You just make me this way" he smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Ah, so Ali the great has worked her magic" I state proudly.

"Ali the great? That's so over used" he jokes I scoff and get up.

"I better get home." I say sadly this has been an awesome day but I really want to spend some more time with my family and I just realized it's almost midnight.

"Wait!" He yells and stands up I look at him confused.

"What?" I ask putting on my shoes.

"It's almost midnight on New Years Eve we should kiss" he says quietly and blushing at the end. I giggle.

"8...7...6...5...4....3....2..." The tv  news says. It gets to one and we kiss.

I feel sparks which is something I didn't believe in I thought it was just in those stupid love movies. But this no matter how cliché and overused it is, it is true.

I pull away and put on my jacket with one more kiss I head out and go home no party for me tonight.

-Authors Note-
Awe! First Date!
How old were you when you started dating?
Next chapter tomorrow!
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